Me: *Watching a movie*

Main Character: "Oh no, we have to hack the CIA to figure out how this machine works! Hacker girl, do the stuff"

Hacker Girl: "Consider it done!"

Hacker Girl: *Opens Linux bash*

Hacker Girl: *types 'mkdir Hack_CIA'

Hacker Girl: "They have two-factor authentication in place, this is going to be a hard one."

Hacker Girl: *Types 'cd Hack_CIA'*

Hacker Girl: "I'm in!"

Me: "..."

Friend: "Wow, so well done, so realistic!"

Me: *Dies*

  • 87
    *rest in peace*
  • 33
    Dear lord... 🙄
  • 101
    You can tell she's a good hacker cos the writing is green on a black background...
  • 34
    Atleast they could use hackertyper...
  • 51

    That, or owns Kali Linux.

    *opens Kali Linux,

    hacker skills over 9000 immediately.
  • 15
    So when did the ping happen to prevent them from tracing them?
  • 9
    Which movie? I am pretty sure you made this up.
  • 14
    @kalippu who says it has to be a real movie xD

    even stories like this are funny as hell!
  • 9
    Or cd HAX in the cyberpunk 2077 trailer
  • 31

    Best hacking scene in film history. Best. Nothing will ever beat this. :3
  • 9
    @cursee that's exactly what hacking is :3 xD
  • 4
  • 9
    @MigliSt I know right. The only time I wish to be a hacker is when I watched that scene. 🤣
  • 15
    I think everything done on the command line is considered hacking in today's film industry
  • 5
    @cursee and how 😂😂
  • 7
    @ruhe rm -rf * "I hacked the mainframe"
  • 6
    Sudo apt install virus
    [password] : 1 2 3 4
    -Foolish boys...
  • 6
    Not hacking, but still good https://moviecode.tumblr.com/
  • 7
  • 7
    I once watched 2 episodes of <scorpion> ! It's an Amazon prime series! Woke up with a migraine the very next day #truestory
  • 4
    You know they have to make it totally fake because if they didn't, there would be lawsuits?
  • 7
    And this is the reason why many annoying kids say are hackers and can hack facebook in a 10 minutes video on youtube.
  • 5
    Fast Hack ah :D
  • 9
    In South Indian movies,

    A guy tap on the server,

    Oh It has been hacked...
  • 11
    "Let the games begin!"

    <hammers tab key several times>
  • 5
    @cursee the best part of that entire scene is realising that keyboard probably doesn’t support anti ghosting so the input would have looked a little like
  • 4
    @hugh-mungus gotta love this movie! warp.hackTime()!
  • 3
    @hugh-mungus That was beautiful.
  • 17
    hacking at it's finest!
  • 6
    @DefiniteGoose Why two Brackets??
  • 6
    Mr. Robot please teach them :")
  • 2
  • 6
  • 6
    If they have to show the entire hacking process.. it would take the entire length of a film.

    No one wants to see a film with a chick just tying something on her laptop drinking tons of coffee..

    But atleast they might have reduced the cringe by not showing what she was actually doing..
  • 0
    @hugh-mungus wtf.. I hope this is some spoof ..
  • 0
    This post and the comments has given me life this money on the train. Thank you all 😂😁😊😊
  • 2
    @heartbleed I so recognize myself in this, any time our system has been under attack I've also started counter-strike, let's you forget about it for a while
  • 1
    Guys! intried it and it works!
    However the cia folder is empty, what a waste.
  • 0
    When they got in did loads of code scroll up the screen really fast. I mean unreadably fast?
  • 0
    @858master too much peace
  • 0
    Wow mind blown 😱
  • 0
    When I was a kid I always wondered if it was real hahah. It's quite funny how they represent hackers in such series
  • 0
    @BloatWhere, Nah man, Black Arch or Parrot Security. /s
  • 2
    Computer screen from an Australian tv series while 'hacking' is going on..
  • 2
    $ du | lolcat
    #best hackerman!
  • 2
    @bpaul oh shit binary search is gonna hack them nuclear codes watch out
  • 2
    I mean, technically she got in.
  • 0
    Hacker Girl 🤣😂
  • 0
    Did someone say *kali linux* 🤔
  • 0
    Hacker girl: rm -fr hack_CIA && ls "damn they kicked us out and wiped out drive. Pssss
  • 1
    So, nobody is gonna share this gem?

  • 0
    Is this a real film? Can I watch?
  • 1
    Hahaha 😁 Your friend's comment.
  • 0
    @Squarety yeah well, he is a tree doctor so he knows other stuff.
  • 1
    @wrkuijpers Yeah so he's good in another crucial domain.
  • 0
    sudo hack_CIA *We're in*
  • 1
    @arshcaptano if there's a hacker scene in a movie and they start with typing 'sudo' i just start screaming.
  • 2
    Installs Kali, calls themself a hacker. Sounds 'bout right 😂
  • 1
    This crap is one of my reasons for liking Mr. Robot; all of the commands and whatnot are proper and are actually executed on the set. It's real.
  • 2
    $ touch hack_that_shit
    $ cd hack_that_shit
    $ cat > hack_that_shit.now
    ( shit()->unHacked(true)
    hoodie()->on(true) )
    print("I'm using their own server as a proxy to transfer my credentials to an existing account");
    ( shit()->unHacked(true)
    computer($beeps) )
    print("They're not as dumb as they look");
    $music_volume[ ](9,75);
    ( shit()->unHacked(false) )
    print("yeah, baby");
    $ sido hack_that_shit.now -vvv ./
    # Unknown command given sido
    # Did you mean :
    1- sudo
    2- spotify
    3- npm
    # (Ctrl + C to cancel) [1, 2, 3,]?:
    $ 1
    # Shit successfully hacked.
    # You can burn your computer now,
    # or wait untill police show around.
  • 2
    Still better than God's eye :D #FastAndFurious
  • 1
    The only Show(Movie) i seen and its too close to reality is Mr.Robot , so fucking realistic
  • 0
    @jalalisaeid30 Heard a lot about that, is it good?
  • 0
    @wrkuijpers first Seasons is awesome but second season isn't that good and the third season is somewhere between first and second seasons , but it's like our real world , no faking or something else
    I saw Hacker(Anonymous 2016) it's bullshit
    If you want change your mind and thinking ways
    You should see this tv show
  • 0
    @jalalisaeid30 Not really a tv guy myself, I only watch F1 and the brittish bake-off, but I might give it a try.
  • 2
    @jalalisaeid30 realistic gay sex
  • 1
    cd Hack_CIA, probably the most brilliant privesc I've seen in my life
  • 2
    Save us god

  • 0
    I would've loved if she also put in something like "pwd" or "ls -l"...or to be a real hacker "ls | less"
  • 0
    You are ignoring the fact that the working folder was read-only
  • 0
    I hope you had an instant death.
  • 0
    I must have saw this post 3 times.
    Everytime I see this post, I immediately begin to cringe.
    It became a reflex after a while.
  • 1
    So literally every time I see hacker parts in movies I'm in virtual pain and just squeal and cringe in the seat.
  • 0
    @Ranchu same. especially when all you see is the keyboard and they type random keys, really fast.
  • 0
    @TheAwesome98 fucking precisely.
    It's literally mash on the keyboard for a second, a thousand windows with green text pop up and scroll through and Bam.
    "I'm in"

  • 1
    @Ranchu yes. thats what hackertyper.net is for. real hackers use kali linux. or windows if u know da wae
  • 0
    @bahua r/beatmetoit
  • 0
    Lmao, they ALWAYS do mkdir for some fucking reason .had the same in this movie about this global whether controll satellite network
  • 0
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