
i just took a ride with my brand new bitch (3rd one in the roster) for our 2nd date. we kissed on first and now on second date she loves me.

while kissing, she cant stop kissing me. she said she never fucked a guy as friends w benefits but im pushing her to do it for the first time.

I'm the motherfucking slut maker.

I'm the creator of sluts now.

I take control.

I turn good girls into sluts rn cause my aura is beyond the universe and all these bitches can feel it by saying "i have that something" whatever it is

Now, i cheated on my blonde ex whore, and on my brand new gf, with this 3rd girl (I'll cheat on the 3rd girl too)

I will break as many females psychologically as possible and that is the price they have to pay for the psychological damage caused to me by my blonde ex whore.

I'm turning into a player rn and I'll fuckk all of them

They are all obsessed w me cause I'm different from the rest

They cant resist to let me fuck them

My aura attracts them

Because my behavior is nonchalant

I am on a great arc

2025 looks promising as Fuck

Also my current job offered me to work on another projects as a senior DevOps engineer which finally includes rancher kubernetes grafana prometheus harbor splunk etc, which pays me 4-8k euros a month

life is finally starting to become better but i went through Fucking hell to get here!

I got whores and i got money.

Im almost stress free.

The only thing left is to get more whores (3 arent enough, i need a roster of at least 10+ to be on the safe side), and i need to become a millionaire from theft in crypto

Then i fk 100s of whores all day and drive fast bmws

Btw i was driving my new hoe in my bmw late at night rn and a c63 coupe raced me. That mf gapped me! So i put sport + nitro mode on and gapped that mf so he quit

My bitch was holding my hand and said he gave up (but he actually let me win lol cause he saw i was with a bitch) i cant race a c63 coupe with a base model bmw bruh🤣

while we were kissing in the car (3rd bitch) i was leaking so much fucking precum (i fucked and cummed 3 times my blonde ex whore prior to this on the same day), and i was still horny af. this bitch got my dick rock solid hard

so then i came back at my blonde ex whore to grab my laptop and i kissed her, literally 2 minutes after tongue licking the 3rd side link

my ego is so fucking high and it will only get higher from here

it feels so good having aura, beast car and a roster of whores.

my day today was so fucking wild and random

my life is finally starting to make sense and become worth living

whores, money and fast cars is all i need in my life

(my new gf whos in love with me was the least important and she had to wait for hours for my reply until i get finished fucking my blonde ex whore and taking my 3rd link on a date and kissing (next date needs to be fuckijg w my new side link))

time to search for the 4th side link


  • 1
    Meh, sounds like me early 20's. You'll bored quickly and end up in church. Good luck.
  • 2
    @retoor Good. if this helps me find God then so be it
  • 1
    @b2plane exactly. Worth it. Fuck those whores! I believe in you.
  • 0
    @retoor exactly what i just learned the hard way!
  • 1
    @b2plane you posted more pictures of men than any other user here. Don't you just dislike women because you're special? I mean, maybe you should move to the west. You'll be accepted here and you can be yourself. I've seen signals enough.

    Also, see the STD in the eyes of that guy. Is that what you want to become?
  • 1
    @retoor But doctor, promethean gayness is statistically inconsistent with the nigh-coprophagous fixation exposed by the subject -- we must conduct further analyses before accepting such a hypothesis!
  • 4
    @Liebranca sometimes I think you and @lorentz just make up words. English! Do you guys even speak it? Let's make a rule. If Garfield the cat never used a certain word, it just doesn't exist.

    It took btw ages before it wanted to generate a cat like Garfield. I can tell you, the lawyers Garfield has, is the lawyers you need. First time ever that chatgtp refused in any way over copyright.
  • 3
    @Liebranca if you were a highly copyrighted cat.
  • 0
    @retoor lol i was in this situation last night (texting w my blonde ex whore and my new gf while making out with my sneaky link)
  • 1
    @retoor Nice! Now make him a puppy! A black pointer, to be precise -- that's more my style. But I will also accept baby elephant and big cute fluffy bunny. Or a swan, if you're feeling creative...
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