
Disclaimer: This joke will be lost in translation but I can't help but make it

In my country, you can use the phrase "it's not beans" to describe something difficult eg "that ielts exam no be beans". Given my recent woes with spring boot, I can also say "spring webflux no be beans". But it's funny to me because the framework calls objects bound to the container "beans" so it's a nerdy, don't leave me joke

  • 2
    I get it! that ielts netbeans no be beans.,

    Cool, i did some language now. Writing this felt better than writing Rust.
  • 1
    @retoor which languages are your favourite? Are they easy to break into ie are there opportunities for devs in those languages without much prior professional experience?
  • 2
    @Nmeri17 wren is the language of dreams! Sadly, it is abandoned. See my favourite languages at molodetz.nl. Spoken languages i'm into Russian, Ukrainian, English and Dutch, but besides Dutch i speak them all pizdetz!

    Edit: C, C is my favourite language. The language of angels.
  • 1
    Luckily, beans representing a significant effort or task transcends culture for whatever reason
  • 1
    Cool beans
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