
If you wanna hear the truth, listen to the voiceless and silenced.

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    ughh, cringe.
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    @SidTheITGuy disregard that feeling. Instead, dip your toes in forced, unnatural calmness.
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    sensory deprivation tanks make you hallucinate like you're on psychedelics
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    @jestdotty did you try it?
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    @kiki no but sounds fun to me. I wouldn't blow that much money on something like that. I mean maybe if I was a millionaire and stopped caring

    but this happens often. if your senses can't get feedback they will pick up their own noise signals. chaos magicians worship the void because they read those signals. it's like listening to RNG of the universe for powers or whatever
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    also in social environments if you don't speak others will hear echoes of themselves and speak for you

    it kind of has the saviour complex and moral good attraction to it but in reality it's narcissism fuel. people who want authority will often say "we have to do X for children with leukemia" but if you go meet said children their names are just being borrowed for someone's end
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    @jestdotty that concept of noise perception inside the void sounds a lot like an echo chamber to me

    I fear that if I get into the sensory deprivation tank, some hallucinations that awaken will stay with me forever, and I know for sure those won't be pleasant ones
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    @jestdotty in Netherlands, "We have to think about the poor people and...". Where are all these fucking poor people they talk about? I mean fine, we should and make things cheaper and stuff. But again, where are those poor people? It's all shit politicians say to score points. Everyone wants to be good and will side with someone who says nice stuff even if it's imaginary. Feels good? Stop thinkii. Feels bad? Same recipe.
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    @SidTheITGuy like AI is good in recognizing AI, you're good in recognizing cringe :) I have to repair something but I have good news for you!
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    @retoor if you ain’t seeing poor people, you’re aren’t one of them. Try going to poorer neighborhoods
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    @kiki oh my god, you're kidding fight. That's exactly what everyone says to eachother while not knowing them theirselves. Poor in netherlands is not owning a Xbox and having now new iPhone. Almost literally. If someone doesn't have enough to eat, he probably has the last iPhone and Xbox. Don't underestimate. In netherlands being poor is mostly result of making bad decisions and KEEP making them. Mostly with psychological issues like most homeless here.
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    @retoor every country has the poverty line that, if your income is lower than that, you're considered poor. For example, you may not be able to afford to live in a big city where the rent is high. Granted, the poor in Lesotho are way poorer than the poor in the Netherlands.

    The fact that you're even able to say what you're saying about the poor in your country is the testament to amazing achievements of how your society functions. I bet everyone gets free healthcare, working hours are heavily regulated and enforced, you get mandatory vacations, unions, and other lefty perks. Oh how I want to live there!
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    @retoor psychological issues are still valid. We can't blame those people for their mental health situation. It's our job as a society to include and integrate those people to make their life at least tolerable. Think free rehabs and naloxone, free emergency care for drug-related problems without the risk of getting arrested for drug possession, free housing (Finland), etc
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    @kiki Healthcare is not free, it's 140,- per month and forced but yes, it's great. I netherlands same question for the rich, where are they? In netherlands everyone is as mediocre as their grades at school. Search for "zesjescultuur". It sounds very stupid to say, but the middle class is biggest group (duhh). But I mean by very far. And that's great! It's just that my mom recently said something about the poor and I asked her to name one, one person that's really poor. She had none, like the leukemia kids in dotti's example.
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    @retoor I agree with your stance on your country's politics. I hope you understand that “I don't know one poor person, therefore poor people don't exist” is flawed.
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    @jestdotty pretend hobos on bmws?
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    @jestdotty I'm sorry that it happened to you. While I admit that I didn't have problems with food growing up, I know _exactly_ what it feels like when your mom has unhealthy relationships with religion. About hobos though… we have them in Russia, but they aren't allowed to take the money for themselves. They pay gangsters that protect them, and they're left with pennies, but they have no other choice.
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