
Since few days I’m sick. Literally, I look like shit and feel even worse. Some combo disease with fever, diarrhea and things like that. And despite that, I tried to work from home today. And surprisingly - I’ve made everything I planned to do: 100% PHP multi process server, which sends push messages via GCM and APN, emails and SMS (using different operators API and talking AT commands directly to modems). I’m a bit proud of myself. And now I feel like I’m dying, so it’s time to get some pills and take a looong nap ;)

  • 2
    I can recommend some beer or wine and a hot bath (after you had taken an explosive shit ofc)
  • 2
    Good job man. Get some sleep, you deserve it.
  • 3
    Sooo, PHP cures sickness.. brb 😂
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