Hey guys it's not a rant, but i feel this place might help...
I am a 20 yr old, second year guy ...have got some experience in core Java and after that, i have been doing android for 8months... Yeah , i coded some basic apps got my hands dirty on firebase, sql libraries and some connectivity...
Even got landed in an internship.

Today i feel myself to be an intermediate android dev , nd i know their are many things that can be learnt in android that i don't know..
But what after that?development as a carrier interests me, but i fear for a job security ... I could learn more of Android,maybe learn ios after that but their are always articles coming out that react is future, webapps will replace android and stuff like that...
I Have also heard stuff like companies today want to squeeze more out of their techs, so they want less and complete developers having experience in both web and mobile app designing and other stuff like that
Are you freakin kidding me? Android and ios alone are like drinking Pacific and indian ocean and to add web developing, its like drinking out every drop of ocean in the world.
I guess their are guys which exist with knowledge of all three, maybe I can cover them all too(someday) but that would take my whole clg life of 4 years..(I guess)
And no ,I don't have problems with that too.. I actually like developing but again i hear big words like cloud computing, AR,VR AI, data sciences, automation, graphics designing, game dev, and many more...

Basically i hear too much and i fear too much 😅 and i don't think closing my ears would be a good choice...
So, which ocean of carrier should i aim to go for?nd are my fears real? Do companies really prefer some web guy designing Amazon like apps over android-only guys like me?is automation nd templates really gonna take all we, developers jobs?should i look into ai/data sciences?

Well , i am a simple guy, who got his first pc at 17 so naturally, i am fascinated even by the working of a calculator app and anything relates to tech so am open to pursue my interests in any fields

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    invest into what you are passionate about! it's the best way to become best in your field. and that's job security right there.
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    Dont be afraid, i got into fullstack, android and data in like 2-3 years, none of them are hard.
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    @balte thankyou for your thoughts,but you see, I am unclear about my passions... and unclear about weather the things am doing are worth following or not
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    @chaostools that's even better, it means you can't make the wrong choice. pick one arbitrarily and see how you like it. you're young enough still to do it now.
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    @balte and what about this all "automation will overtake development" thing?:\..heck, you guys have a 'tag' for this topic ;D
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    @MasterKN Everyone, whole world is a small, global village and devrant is a nice eg..sorry for the informal chats...but this is my clg buddy's acc.. xD
    hey mate!!nd yeah All the best to you too xD
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    @Charon92 well said , sir :).. care to elaborate more on problem solver, please?
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    @fuzzy-logic well... No but does that really matter?
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    Hehehe , no i respect you sir , you really have achieved something good and big :)@bindview
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    Web and hybrid will never replace native, you are just too limited in them.
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    @Vitz you sure, buddy? Amazon and flipkart are all webapps i guess.. And i am guessing this site is a web app too.
    I also have a Web dev friend that have been trying to show me how superior he is over an android dev, how he can even make sms or get locations(although none of his web apps work without a native client or internet xD) ...
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    Yes I am, tons of articles about it that support and give examples, there is no write 1 code to fit all that is good enough yet, and it's gonna take a while
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    @Vitz well.. plese post some links to boost my morale xD...
    But seriously, I could say the same against this...
    multi platform languages is not an alien concept now, with tools like node.js/angular, haze, kotlin-native and electron.

    and this is not athingsn arguement i want to get into.. Today I am like, "OK, I know things, these are the architecture components I know, these I can look into,..I can do this like this , like that..." see? I have Found a pattern for my learning of this...I open playstore everyday and look for apps like "yeah i can make this, yea next, yeah this is a feature i wanna know how they did it"..
    My main worries are that I am following the path that i was spoonfed... and since i don't know anything about blockchains, ai, data sciences or cloud computing or hell , even web designing... i am like questioning myself: "am i missing something? am I at the wrong place? are those lines better for me?"
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    Spring-boot for web apis would be a great pair to your Java and Android skills. Always try to focus on learning design and patterns over a too many languages and technologies.

    Javascript is rapidly evolving, but big companies will take a longer time to adopt things like React and Node, let alone AR and progressive web apps.
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    @pauldragoslav hey ,thanks for the spring boot! Its something new for me! I will definitely work on it and try to create something out of it,thanks again :)
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    As a mobile developer (Swift iOS) who transitioned over to a full stack web developer, I can tell you this.

    Mobile apps aren’t going anywhere. Web app aren’t going anywhere. If you have a passion for one over the other then do it.

    I would also suggest looking into React Native. React may very well be the future, and it is not too much of a stress to think that React Native will be a viable mobile platform right along with it.
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    If you're passionate to the level where you understand the whole concept and no one can beat your knowledge, you'll easily find a great job, trust me.

    Just choose anything that you love with fire and master that.

    You have to be far above average in just one topic to earn a six-zero salary.
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    I knew a guy here in Russia who knew only html and css. No javascript, no php, nothing but html and css, in which he was godlike. He was hired by opera and damn, his salary was high.
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    But if you drop platform-specific things and expand your mind to fit more general topics like functional programming, software architecture, imperative vs declarative, crdts, maybe some math, you'll become the problem solver software architect and every start-up become a goldmine for you
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    @fuzzy-logic afaik he maybe knew some browser-specific quirks but in his talks he mentioned that he doesn't know js
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    @uyouthe that sounds good , please tell me more about this?

    So you are saying i should have more of problem solving skills in deck too?

    as per my experience, devs do face mathematical and programming probs but at the end , the top concern is usually the design and data handling...

    Although before starting with android i did some algo and competitive problem questions too, but they are more likely to be seen in an interview ppr and nowhere else ever...

    and what are your thoughts about other streams i mentioned?ai,IOT,data sciences, cryptography,.. Etc do seem to have a bright future, but its just maybe because i never got a chance of going into this that's why am feeling the birds in the bush are better than the one in my hand?although, gud ppl here are right i guess , when they say that automation would 'not' take over developers job.. Again, who knows..but now i don't think i should worry about that..(i guess ;P)
    More of your thoughts please sir!
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    @chaostools forget about all that applied things like android vs ios, web development, iot, etc. Forget it for now.

    Let's get abstract. You'll probably be developing something that runs on computers. All you need to know is how computations are made, that's all you need.

    There are currently two types of computing: the Imperative, invented by Alan Turing (pretty much like assembly languages or C) and the Declarative, by Alonzo Church (that's like lisp). The first tells the computer exactly HOW to do the things, the other tells it WHAT should come out by the end.

    For example, what if someone said something like "hey, I don't know how to develop the green colored web page, I only built red ones". Kind of nonsense, right? Learn HTML and CSS, and you'll be able to build any web page in the existence, absolutely any.
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    So go ahead and learn the computing — the most basic thing ever. You'll guaranteed to find it everywhere, from plain HTML page which is declarative to crdts and data clusters.

    You'll also need the data types theory and some specific languages, just to completely wrap your head around computing:

    C, as pure imperative language
    Lisp, as great functional language
    SQL, as pure declarative language

    Read The Code Complete. Read and complete SICP. I also may personally recommend DESTROYALLSOFTWARE, great practical approach you'll find there.

    Follow these steps and you'll find yourself being able to learn almost any programming language/framework/concept in about a week, because they all will seem familiar to you. The ideas are the same.

    That was brief description of my personal learning experience, the experience of 19 years old guy who'd been hired at CTO position after 5 years of studying.

    Good luck. Don't hurt your brains 😁
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