Context/Prev: https://devrant.com/rants/9820310 (and the rants related to it)

So after accidentaly using Arch for 5 months, and then accidentally using Gentoo for 7 months
(It was supposed to be 1 month per distro, but life happened and didn't have the time and peace of mind for a switch)
Today I'm finally hopping to Slackware
I love the setup's retro/classic ncurses gui <3

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    "I accidentally use Arch BTW"
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    @cafecortado xD xD xD
    I need this on a shirt now xD
    But I meant that I accidentally used it for 5 months (instead of 1), not accidentally used it.
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    Slack ware was my first Linux. It was once highly recommend to new users but back in the day I did not really like it because I was too windows focussed still. If you want windows, and windows apps, yh, you won't like Linux distro. But ten years ago, but more, I opened my eyes. CentOS / (X)Ubuntu is it for me. Maybe I will try openmandriva soon, I already have the iso.
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    @retoor My first linux was RHL(=Red Hat Linux, Not to be confused with RHEL)
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    @SoldierOfCode never did redhead. It's rpm based right? I did use rpm, don't know under what distro it was. While ago I installed a few laptops with debian+xfce to donate to church :) The installs were a drama.
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    The installation was the fastest out of any distro I've ever installed :O
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    @retoor Yep, Red Hat distros are rpm based(rpm=Redhat Package Manager)
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    @SoldierOfCode it comes with a window manager right? If not, xfce is always the best choice 😁 IceWM is on my list to try tho. In any way, not a tiling bastard like i3. I actually like my draggable and resizable windows and use that a lot.
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    @retoor xfce is a DE not a WM tho, but I assume you just meant xfce's default WM, so no, I chose KDE(and it's WM) as DE and WM
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    @SoldierOfCode nerd alert 😁
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    @retoor I remember using a fusion of a tiling DE that could also "detach" windows. I found the tiling was nice if I had a set setup for working/fixed windows at start. I use powertoys to manage my window creation on windows now
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