
folks....do you agree with this ?

  • 8
    I think there is definitely a difference between and engineer and the other ones. Writing code to run some sort of program or script is one thing, but architecting a system with communication between nodes in a distributed system is on a completely different level.
  • 6
    Lets not forget about the software architect
  • 4
    IMHO someone told u what to do → you know what to do and can finish it your self →u can help others to find the right thing to do
  • 0
    I haven't graduated yet but I'm an engineer
  • 3
    No , in my opinion they are mainly interchangeable. I use all of those titles depending on who I'm talking to / trying to impress. You can't depend on a title to work out a persons seniority just like a persons seniority doesn't map to age. The only way is to look at past work and to challenge the individual with work of the level you expect them to work at. That includes helping less senior individuals to learn. It's useless having s super senior coder on your team who can't communicate with the rest of the team.

    Just my opinion anyways
  • 2
    It's hard to apply the first three to anyone that has graduated with a CS degree. However, there are many self taught people.
    You might even add script-kiddie to the front of the list. That's someone that just copies and pastes code.
    After graduating, the level of competence gets hard to measure and label.
  • 1
    Coder makes me cringe. I can never bring myself to say "I'm coding" either. I always go with "I'm programming" or "I'm writing code".
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