
Long rant is so much time taking. Remember KISS (Keep it short silly) rule before post.

  • 3
    Long detailed rants > short basic rants 🤷🤷
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    Remember, when you post rants which instruct others on how to rant, make sure they are fucking rants.

    OP pls.
  • 1
    @D--M If it is not rant than what is it?
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    @jhh2450 keep the basics right :)

    Everything else falls into place
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    Or add a tldr at the top , that way everyone will be happy
  • 1
    But that aint what KISS means
  • 3
    Short rants often lack necessary context.

    Interesting story/worldbuilding also proves impossible without sufficient length.
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    @Root though its true, short rant attract more than longer one
  • 1
    @sharktits oh really ?? people know that
  • 1
    @imacat TL;DR

    Happy now !!??

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