My CS professor just told my class of 200 people that 1 is a prime number.

You can practically hear centuries of mathematicians rolling over in their graves

  • 12
    It's not a prime number because it can't be divided by itself "and" 1 (because they're the same number and shit)
  • 1
    @filthyranter if (x && x) print("Hey this works"); unfortunately I don't think you can apply your logic here.
  • 17
    @BradSharp In this context 'and' is set union (counter intuitively), not logical conjunction, so that doesn't have anything to do with it. A prime must have exactly two divisors.
  • 5
    @BradSharp Guess why I set "and" in quotes...
  • 3
    If 1 is a prime, then the fundamental theorem of arithmetic is no longer true.

    I mean it's called the *fundamental* theorem of fucking arithmetic.
  • 1
    A working set of definitions:

    Prime: a natural number with exactly 2 divisors

    Composite: a natural number with > 2 divisors
  • 0
    Imma just stay here and enjoy the conversation
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