Who ever makes errors like this: FUCK YOU.

  • 5
    Why is that so bad? It's pretty convinient. It's tells the user it encountered a error and encourages the user to try again later.
  • 1
    But it doesn't tell the debugger how to fix it.

    For context's sake, I also added `ERROR 2:` just so I can see which line actually caused it, because there were multiple lines doing that. @HampusMa
  • 0
    Then it's just to try again later. If it does not work then than the debugger can just contact the developer or google for the fix
  • 0
    and if the debugger is the developer? @HampusMa

    Can't google a fix if you don't know what went wrong. I guess that's what I'm trying to get across.
  • 1
    Stackoverflow is the answer then.
    Ask stackoverflow and paste the code.
  • 0
    @HampusMa I fear posting there based on other people's experiences. Plus in my case, it was my fault. One of my tables were imported and lost an "AUTO_INCREMENT" field in the registration table.
  • 1
    Alright. I'll stop here. I know nothing about that!
  • 1
    @HampusMa haha, I'm a beginner at it lol.
  • 1
  • 4
    Am I the only one who noticed the missing space between 'else' and '{' first?
  • 2
  • 1
    It’s good for the user as the user knows , but bad for the developer as it doesn’t give the slightest clue ,

    What could be done is put this as the last default case in the switch case after all the known errors are catched
  • 1
    When I don't want to say what went wrong exactly I just make up some funny joke related to errors. They are unique and can be traced back by the dev when needed.
  • 2
    @Codex404 unlike yours, there were many places in the code that had that line. Error 2 was added by me so I can see where it was triggered from.
  • 1
    @Gerrymandered than good luck with those errors...
  • 0
    @Codex404 simple solution:
  • 1
    Nice sending those errors to the client so everyone can see your software infrastructure
  • 0
    @Codex404 unless no one triggers it, plus my client is me and family
  • 0
    @LordKerwin well that’s fair enough if you label each error. But again, my frustration is that *I* had to label them because I had to debug ay webapp.
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