
So, StackExchange has renamed Luigi Mangione's profile. Not a complete removal as of yet, it seems.

So if I am even accused of a crime, they're gonna remove my scientific publications and contributions?

Like idgaf about the guy, but how's this not censorship? How's this any better than burning certain books? (I'm going out on a limb here, but you get the idea)

  • 8
    yes. tip of the iceberg, they've been scrubbing that info forever

    and also I remember back when the computer science subreddit were totally in favour of people being fired from their jobs because someone with a similar username in a forum said an opinion they didn't like. or if an employee posted a pic of themselves drinking on their personal Facebook.

    people are just gross and inhuman now it seems. to be honest I think we never outgrew the dark ages... which is the time where crowds of people gathered to watch supposed heathens be tortured to death in inventive ways
  • 7
    All your commits get rewritten with a new name
  • 2
    @electrineer the name of the guy who killed you, no less! and the crowds will cheer!

    it is human nature
  • 3
    Also, random note but I hate how they make his support being about how he looks. It is not. He was at the top of the food chain. It is about how he was privileged all around without being abusive, and looks are a form of privilege too.
    Like the man had it all before this all went down.
  • 2
    Apparently, SE may do that to any account that gets too popular if they feel like the popularity is external to the content they posted. They admit it with a slightly different wording.
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    @jestdotty ngl, your point of view is too bleak and depressing for my taste. Hence I won't engage. It's not that you're wrong, it's just your perspective that I don't like.
  • 2

    Sounds similarly to the well known fact that everyone in Germany had been on vacation between 1939-1945.



  • 4
    Companies that make so much money that they can worry about other things than money is a big problem. They all think to have a morale so high that they think to have the right to adjust it. It's pure arrogance. They're acting like a government and the government is already in the wrong. We're not paying taxes to get propoganda on how to behave according to some privileged people. We just want to have your products and services companies, we don't give a fuck about your opinion. Mandrake did get a lot of new users by claiming not to be woke as the others tho. Still, also that wasn't needed. Now they just joined a battle that shouldn't exist. We need "product only" companies.

    Maybe the internet would be fine with only bot moderation and we're scared for nothing doing all that censorship. Kinda like devrant, we're doing great without moderation.
  • 7
    This reminds of a museum visit, where the exhibition talked about how some of the old punishments (from Roman empire? I can’t remember well) were all about erasing someone from history. Say that you have a knight, with fame and all. Renowned enough to have his name written Solon a few places. If they fell out of place, the powers that be would do all they can to remove his name and any signs of his existence.
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