Mind Blown...

So I was in a meeting with another dev talking to a customer. He instructed the customer to open a command prompt in Windows. Then to use the SSH command. In my mind I was assuming he had told the client to install SSH beforehand. Later I started thinking about it and did a search. Apparently Windows 10/11 have a version of OpenSSH installed by default. I had used Windows 7 in the past and always installed git shell to get this. So in my Windows 10 I did the same thing. git shell also supports aliases and other nice *nix like scripting features. So it is always a win.

So hear I am realizing SSH is installed by default on newer windows systems. Like damn, I never thought I would see the day. I think I still prefer git shell, but having SSH by default is nice to know. I know they got the subsystem shit to get Linux. But not everyone wants or needs that.

I probably should learn what is in Windows these days. lol. I mean, besides malware.

  • 9
    Yes, Windows sometimes is actually not completely awful!
  • 5
    Ssh is one of the things that made Linux a succes for me indeed. Being to able managing other systems like it's literally your own pc is just awesome. For windows it just made more sense to put more energy in remote desktop since they have graphical interfaces I guess. Why I prefer the shell ways by much, their remote desktop worked well too. I have no idea if it's less safe to open up a remote desktop port to the internet than ssh. But ssh has the port running going on, afaik remote desktop didn't do such stuff and on top of it, remote desktop is not something you run full time on the background to tunnel a port or so.

    But yh, fine that windows has it now. But can you tunnel ports? I use it full time. gogs.molodetz.nl is for example a server I have at home with an upstream to the molodetz vps with ssh -f -N -R 7331: retoor@molodetz.nl. It goes trough a phone 4g hotspot geven. Gogs runs on a phone network 😁 Not using it tho, was just a test.
  • 1
    @retoor I dunno. I just used the client so far.
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