Fascinating. Did you know people with multiple personality disorder could rape themselves?


  • 8
    Great, now "Go fuck yourself!" isn't funny anymore.
  • 3
    @Demolishun yeah its psychophobic.

    I'm sick of sane people oppressing us ffs. PROUD PSYCHO over here.
  • 2
    People are raping themselves every day with their builtin masochism. Builtin or brainwashed to think doing something you don't like every day is normal. What some people have with work. I feel bad for them.

    I won't read article. It's too stupid. Psychology 101. Those 'doctors' strike again with some good 'science' huh.
  • 0
    Memory itself is already punishment, so what do you expect from mental illnesses? The longer I live, the more I realize that the only thing more terrifying than drugs is the mind of a person who lives without doing them.
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