
I'm fucking tired of this so called lead developer, lead developer my ass:

- He takes two days to complete a simple task and he dares to ask me why I extended the deadline of this freaking complex feature I need to build.

- He does a half-assed job when completes a task, no validation of data, no well informative message when exceptions are th thrown ...

- He assigns me his tasks although I already have tons and we need to release soon.

- I take care of developing and maintaining 60% of the APIs and I implemented the most complex of features and he dares to always say that my code can be optimized in a vague way, never mentioning what exactly is he talking about, and never telling me beforehand, he always does it during team meetings where another thing is being discussed.

- He presents the app to the whole company and at the end doesn't give credit where it's due, no " thank you for being part of this or helping build this" even if I built most of that shit, instead he says he's disappointed in me ... WTF! What did you fucking do to build this to be disappointed in me? I'm the fucking disappointed one here !!

- He fucking keeps preaching practices that he doesn't follow or he finds workarounds to skip them while the rest of the team follows them.

- He's like "I'm only taking care of this task to help you out?!" .... wtf! I have nothing to do with that fucking task, how are you helping me! You just keep fucking lazing around when we need to be finishing features asap.

Thank God I don't expect anything from you, I get enough credit from my boss who expresses how impressed he's with my job.

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    @NoMad this has been accumulating for over a year now and I somehow grew immune to it... I just ignore him.
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    seems to be a cover my ass tactics, because he knows that you are way better compared to himself
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    @2erXre5 Idk, maybe yes maybe no, I'm a junior and this is my first job so this is the first time I'm in this situation.

    @AlexDeLarge yes I am a woman, he sometimes acts arrogant and he certainly lazes around most of the time. But i wouldn't say that's because of sexism, he does actually have sexist opinions like that girls don't know how to code, (just because he doesn't see that many women in IT)... pretty dumb conclusion imo.

    @kgbemployee Ikr!!
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    @AlexDeLarge yeah 😅
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    This guy is an ASS HOLE !!!

    If you want any advice, leave the company, there are tons of recruiting companies, you shouldn't have any trouble to find a good one ! LEAVE THE CUNTS BEHIND !!
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    I'm glad I never had to deal with such cunts. The lead dev I had to work with was a coding animal, first in the office, last one leaving. I was still an intern (so pretty unimportant for the project as a whole), but he wanted to teach me as many things as possible including how to debug like a pro. He was my role model back in the day and truly motivated me to become a code-hungry Junior Dev :)

    I am scared of project managers though, those messy wankers...
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