Opinions on Dreamweaver?

  • 2
    Better than FrontPage ;)
  • 0
    Ohh the nostalgia... Does it still exist!?
  • 0
  • 3
    @mlask wrap both hands in tape so you just got two large stumps instead of fingers and poke out one eye with a stick.

    Open notepad and type away, still better than front-page
  • 1
    Burn it. Burn it with FIRE!!!!
  • 1
    My honest opinion on it: lol.
  • 0
    Adobe did to little for dreamweaver when it bought macromedia.
    Today it’s still the same as it was years ago, just slower.

    Front page was great for visual editing static pages, but never in my life was i so scared of HTML until I pressed the code button 😂
  • 0
    Bootstrap Studio is better and cheaper
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