
I was talking in class. Teacher saw me. She asked me to explain the topic she was going to explain. It was Network Security. I started explaining how we can prevent tracking of our online activities by using VPN and all.

Teacher (to class): Do you all know about VPN?
Whole Class: No.
Teacher (to me): They don't know about VPN. Now, how will you explain?
Me: I won't.

*Cyanide out*

  • 7
    You should explain what is VPN even if they know. Its always better to share the knowledge. They might ask you a question about VPN and you might learn something as well. It's ABCD of any presentation or teaching
  • 12
    @qwert @py2js Thing is they weren't interested at all. They just wanted to pass time by keeping the teacher busy with me. They would say "No" to the simplest questions.

    Also, I don't like the teacher. She is arrogant. I wanted to end the conversation asap, "I won't" is best for that.

    Still, I ended up explaining a thing or two which she repeated afterwards.
  • 20
    *Cyanide out*
    I thought you were referring to taking the pill and quitting.. then i noticed your name
  • 3
    My favorite part of this rant... "I won't" haha please don't.
  • 2
    @Cyanide you did right... She probably can't even explain her self
  • 2
    VPN = Very Pointy Nipple rite?
  • 1
    @ThatPerlDeb Ofcourse. Is there any other full form?
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