
Prettier is absolute cancer.
Just logged in here to say this.
esLint is annoying as fuck, but Prettier is absolute cancer.

Are you webdev guys to stupid to format code or commit in a team how to format so that you got those annoying horrror tools with default bullshit rules like a comma after the last element in arrays or that shit not to use " but ' ? What the fuck is wrong with web devs?

  • 7
    "Waaaaah opinionated tools are bad!!1!1!1!1! We should fight over meaningless formatting details instead of actually writing code"

    There's nothing more annoying than a commit that modified hundreds of unrelated lines because there's no default formatter configured
  • 2
    It doesn't have to be perfect. Just cutting out all the style debates. Prettier said so, don't like it, go open a ticket for a prettier change. Let's come back to debating the logic here.

    It's a peaceful life. But of course, we supporters hate it, too. We just hate the debates more.
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    Im not against a code style.
    Im against the default style those tools got, and somehow ppl agree with this crap style.

    Also if you got a commit that behaves like you said, dont merge it, deny the review, etc.

    Its just annoying when is for debug reasons type some "test" somewhere, and everything goes red like a nuklear war is going on because esLint is freaking the fuck out.
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    Eslint: bla is declared but not used, STFU im still typing you peace of shit.
  • 2
    ...who the fuck gives a shit?
  • 1
    Am sorry if I missed something, but is there some problem with it?
  • 1
    You can configure ESLint in more detail than any other formatter for any language, or indeed any other devtool that I know. I'm really disappointed that they want to move away from stylistic rules because their approach is fundamentally different from Prettier's and in JS of all ecosystems there could be a niche for both.
  • 1
    The formatting function is a main selling point of Jetbrains tools for me. My settings being synced on every machine I use means I have universal consistency everywhere I work.

    When I work on other people's stuff, I can just format my contribution without affecting theirs.
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    @lorentz I doubt, ever seen the configuration of clang-format? Holy pony.

    Yeah, I do think we focus too much on how beautiful code looks but tools like that put a nice standard so we don't have to fight so much anymore. Before linters did it, there were human linters. That was terrible. There are still people reviewing like they're a linter. Nothing to say.
  • 1
    Fighting with a code style is irrelevant. Type your code as you want, the auto formatting of your IDE can fix it.
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