found at the mall.
im not a fanboy of any os, but this is a perfect situation for linux.
why would they pay $100 for an os just to control the screen?

  • 3
    Because the software they use could be for Windows specifically? If it's a chain store, then because they're required to?

    There's plenty of possiblities as to why they're using Windows.
  • 0
    @jhh2450 i specifically stated it was a mall. linux wouldnt be very hard for this task.
  • 2
    @calmyourtities Not every store at a mall is a chain store bud. I've been to several malls that have stores that have that location only.

    And still. Stores have protocols and shit they have to follow. You can't just switch shit...that's a solid way to get fired. And as I said, they probably have a specific software they must use in order to present the ad, and the likelihood of that software supporting Linux is pretty small.
  • 0
    @jhh2450 it's not a store, it's within the mall itself. maybe you should put on your glasses.
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