My Neural Network can recognise handwritten digits!!!

It's my second try at NN so it's faaaar from perfect (or maybe even good), but hey, it's something and only with High schools, I'm pretty satisfied with the results. If you've not seen my previous post, I'm just trying to learn NNs in C and am doing just really basic things.
Still I'm proud of my progress!

Now I'm looking forward learning some library (OpenNN + OpenCV seems cool) and trying more advanced stuff, wish me luck 😆

  • 0
    Cool! What's the input? How strict is the input format? 🙂
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    @Kodnot "Optical Recognition of Handwritten Digits Data Set" - 1998-07-01 E. Alpaydin
  • 3
    Train_Network. Is this the nn from CodingTrain? His streams are so nice ☺
  • 1
    This is so cool!!!
  • 5
    dude NN in c ?? from scratch ??
    hats off !!!
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    @IllSlapU no shit man OP needs to do a tutorial. These are some sick ass C skills
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    @Skrambl I actually discovered CodingTrain this weekend and is the main reason for my previous post about Processing. But no, I've never seen any NN code and wrote every line by myself. But I've seen that coding train has an entire series on it so I'm looking forward! 😆
  • 1
    Congrats on your progress :D
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    @adeshgautam @IllSlapU @AleCx04 Guys I'm melting from your support... Just, thank you so much!!!!
  • 2
    So MNIST ?
    isn't that like hello world tutorial for NN ?
  • 1
    Very nice
    How long did it take?
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    @Teknas It is. On college. In python. With tensorflow. This is simplified because I didn't use parallelization in this.
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    The more I can do as NN is a big soup of nested if statements.
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