
This is a funny one:

I found this gem in SO.
Why is it funny? Well, PDVSA is the state-owned company for oil production of my country (Petróleos De Venezuela).

This little intern decided that it was a good idea to publish in SO an answer with actual code, showing database and tables names to everyone.


  • 14
    Remember that "our government" knows nothing about security, the petros web page has no ssl certificate, just to point something
  • 2
    @oroxo1989 Yeah... it was surprisingly funny but sadly not surprising.

    Facepalm all the way. Always.
  • 15
    our senior dev accidentally published aws keys on github public repo 3yrs ago.

    nobody’s perfect though :-|
  • 17
    If knowing the table names is a problem, they have a different, much bigger problem.
  • 3
    Here's a link to the gem for everyone else...

  • 1
    It's one of those "I know I shouldn't look, but I just can't help myself"
  • 1
    @antorqs what can we expect of this government...
    For me, it's not a case of a junior developer but a case of an inept government that is bleeding the country of good talent.
  • 0
    @Saguer @Envydiv Junior Dev != Intern 😉
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