It may have to disappoint you, but ...
there is no cryptography in cryptocurrencies.

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    Uh... You might wanna read up on that. There is. A lot.
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    @sharktits this is from Wiki - "More generally, cryptography is about constructing and analyzing protocols that prevent third parties or the public from reading private messages; "

    In blockchain you sign transactions so that anyone can verify that you were the signer. There is no logic of hiding messages from the public!

    Also they use hash operation and according to this sentence from wiki, it is not a cryptography also.
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    @martikyan instead of wiki try out a proper documentation plz
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    @rookiemaverick take it easy I'm just kidding.

    "Until modern times, cryptography referred almost exclusively to encryption"

    Now it has wider meaning
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    I would love to correct you but i dont think my contract allows me to
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