Holy shit man...

I know its supposed to be hard but I cant ignore how much I want to give up right now.

I've been learning JS for months now, doing daily algorithm challenges, going strong on my freecodecamp dev map and still, I feel like I might no be cut out for this.

It's been more than a week now trying to implement a minimax algorithm into my tic tac toe game. I can't, for the life of me its just getting more frustrating by the day and its driving me crazy! How the fuck am I supposed to ever get a junior webdev job if I can't do something as simple as this!, And I keep reading and reading the theory but I cant implement it into my code! It just makes me want to quit (again)!

I really need to work on my attitude...

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    You haven’t set foot in the industry yet right? Once you do you’ll see how it is. Don’t be afraid and stop saying you’re not good enough. There are some in the industry who barely know a thing or two but know how to talk. And some are very talented in the industry. Don’t hold too high of a standard for yourself. You’ll get there if you keep working hard.

    At old big companies there’s a programming need for every skill level of a programmer. You can get a few tickets every 2 weeks.

    You can do them. It’s not something to be afraid of. And not something to quit over. You may very well be performing better than some people in the industry at your current pace. Just don’t tunnel vision on yourself and quit
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