
Me: Well, it's time to make a new app!
* opens up VS Code *
* opens folder selection dialog *
* creates a new folder called "notes app" *
* yarn inits that folder *
* installs react and react-dom *
* installs webpack, webpack-cli, babel-core, babel-loader, babel-preset-env, babel-preset-react, style-loader, css-loader, file-loader, html-webpack-plugin and clean-webpack-plugin as a dev dependency (install is pending) *
* copies a webpack config from some other project *
* creates a babelrc file *
* copies a yarn script called "build:dev" which would launch webpack *
* dev dependencies installed *
* tries to save *
* vscode doesn't save because files differ *
* tries to copy dev dependencies *
* fail *
* tries again *
* saves *
* writes bare-bones index.jsx *
* yarn build:dev *
* opens build/index.html in firefox *
* gets satisfaction *
* writes bare-bones App.jsx which is a react component but it's an entire app *
* yarn build:dev *
* opens build/index.html in firefox *
* gets satisfaction *
-- trim --
* walks out of his room to his mom's room where's sbc is located *
* grandma plays solitare on laptop *
* i ask grandma for a laptop *
* grandma gives me laptop *
* glues all components into App.jsx *
* yarn start:dev (magic of webpack-dev-server) *
* opens localhost:8080 in firefox *
* searches how to update a component prop *
* nothing found *
* registers on devrant and verifies his email *
* writes this rant *

  • 7
    Welcome to devRant! :)
  • 9
    JS development has gone so meta, there is now a business based on creating turotrials on how to setup JS before you can JS
  • 4
    create-react-app ?
    But I understand and relate to this rant completely
  • 10
    *hey lets make something
    *opens eclipse
    *new maven project
    *pastes the 3 dependencies in pom
  • 3
    @sharktits lmao
  • 1
    npm install -g bs-platform
    npm install -g reason-cli
    Install reason-ide in VSCode
    bsb -init notes-app -theme react
    cd notes-app
    npm run start

    I am not saying that it is simpler to learn a new language, but the tooling of ReasonML is much more streamlined, simpler and comes with blazing fast compile times (no babel!). Still kinda bleeding edge, though.
  • 1
    Visual Studio and no C#? I disaprove!

    Well JS is supposed to be easier than C# but in C# you dont need to do all that preparations 🤣 kek
  • 3
    @Gregozor2121 vs code, not visual studio.
  • 1
    Wooops. Always when i see VS i think visual studio. 😁
    I saw that my VS can handle JS as well so i thought its about it.
  • 1
    @Gregozor2121 oh sure, vs can handle js. Intellisense is even quite good.
    That said, it is still a tank and there are cheaper and lighter alternatives.
  • 1
    I agree with @irene; however, if you are not up for straight up C, give Go a try. You can do some pretty cool web dev stuff with just the standard library plain old HTML +CSS and minimal JS.
  • 1
    Web development tool chain is such a mess right now. :(
  • 0
    @irene the niciest thing about native apps (C, Go, Rust, C++) is protability, meaning than your app would work on every Linux toaster/router/smart kettle/calculator and it would work as long as your app uses only system methods/has pure [language name] library baked in/lying in a same folder as binary.
  • 0
    @crhntr well I used to really like Flask on Python 3. I made a simple blog application in tutorial and extended it with Markdown and added Bootstrap. My mom was amazed.
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