Today I completed a childhood goal. Finished Time Crisis II

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    Oh damn. Takes me back.

    Very good on-rails shooter.

    Same for Virtua Cop && House Of The Dead series.
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    @D-4got10-01 yea I just really needed to get out and I wondered if the old arcade was still there. Turns out this is much easier when you're not 12.

    I always wanted a lightgun for my PS2 when I was a kid but never got it right
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    In my local bar they have time crisis on an arcade machine. They pretty much let me play for free now ever since I showed them I could 1 credit it. It's more advantageous to them to treat me to the game and have me drink a beer during the game 😂
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    @CoreFusionX nice. I'd like that situation instead of having to drive 22km to the arcade
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    It was actually really unexpected, but in Portugal, many bars have like all these super old arcade machines.

    It's fucking *awesome*.
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    I kind of thought the arcades died off. Haven't seen one in decades.

    I do remember having roughly three places on my way to school in my high school years.

    Killer Instinct, Mortal Kombat, Tekken 2, && The House Of The Dead 2 era...
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    No, they did die. I'm talking like, each bar has this ancient arcade machine that is probably worth like 20k, not just a Pandora box with a raspberry pi and mame.
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    @CoreFusionX they probably picked them up for a steal from full blown arcades closing down
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    @D-4got10-01 the one I went to for this is the only proper one I know of anywhere. There's a bowling alley that had a good couple machines outside and then there's one takeaway joint that a few but that's it.

    I swear they were all over the place when I was little
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    @TheBeardedOne Yup, some 20-30 years ago there were so many arcades here, too.

    Last thing I remember hearing about the arcades was Japan still having them in fairly small amounts, but then covid happened which finally did them in.
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    @CoreFusionX so it’s the REAL DEAL!! Would love to get my hands on popcorn butter/pizza greased up joysticks again lol
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    @CoreFusionX if you find (or found) a ninja turtles or arcade unit (original or in time) let us know lol! I could still play that game, it’s amazing how well these aged in terms of gameplay and graphics
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