I did some general searches in the actual project. The names of 22 variables and attributes I created contain the word 'shit', and 5 contain 'fuck'.

  • 1
    That sounds like incredibly bad naming practice.
  • 1
    @R5on11c Not neccessarily, if the project is an EAS for a large coprophilic enterprise...
  • 0
    These variables and attributes are auxiliar or for workarounds. I needed to vent somehow.
  • 0
    @Paulinsky Even for workarounds, bad practice. I am a clowny and joky person myself but when it comes to code i am serious. When you work for a big company or have a serious Client who has access to your repositories or you code in their repositories and do stuff like that as a habit, it can backfire pretty nasty.

    There are many companies asking for software solutions that would drop you if they found your code like this.

    Also your variables are less explicit, which is never good.
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