For the rest of your life, would you rather use IE6 as your browser or program in Notepad?

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    Notepad. I could handle that pain over returning back to IE6.
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    @AlexDeLarge I'd rather do things with your dick then chose between those :p as per the other rant 😂😂😂😉
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    Going for the Notepad here too
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    I can live without ie6.. "okay Google, how to I do [insert technical task]"
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    Plz don't kill me.
    I quiet!
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    Shit I cant even deal with IE 11. Lol
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    Notepad. Because then you can either write extra features for it to make it a full IDE.

    Or you can just use an OS that doesn’t have notepad on it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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    @DeveloperACE then you would be stuck with IE lol
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    @ScribeOfGoD but loopholes
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    I would pick neither and just kill myself ☺
    On a more serios note though i think I could live better with notepad
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    Choose notepad and then use atom or vscode in your chrome browser
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    [Solved] use notepad to program an IDE.
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    @Dave-Elec No, because you still have to always code in notepad.

    However, you could use notepad to write a dll that you inject into notepad, which subclasses the edit control to add syntax highlighting and a dark theme
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    I wanted to say IE6 but after reading the comments, I remembered how terrible IE6 was. So I'm going to go with Notepad too.
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    I don't understand the question! It's like, would you rather masturbate with a cheese grater or potato peeler? What? Why would I ever? What kind of a sick bastard are you...
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    Choose ie6, install atom and use its inner chrome browser
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    Is "death" an option?
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