I am so happy to be part of the community. Can anyone clarify this picture for me. Thanks

  • 0
    What do you think about the above photo?
  • 6
    A person urinating into a giant laptop.
  • 6
    it's a generic bullshit-picture that marketing-"people" use to decorate any kind of article or similar that is remotely related to the topic of "computers".
  • 4
    Community of obsolete stock image artists?
  • 3
    Are you using us to train your model? That ain't cool bro.
  • 2
    Wow I‘m so happy that you are now part of this community. When I look at the picture, I see your mum suffocate on my tremendous erected member.
  • 3
    @EricLJewett That’s an interesting picture. I can see myself dropping the production database and stabbing you in the neck with one of its shards. It has great synergy.
  • 1
    @possum hey I see it too!!
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