
I didn't do it. I chickened out.
Fasting raises my heart rate. Not sleeping did raise it too. ODing on caffeine raises it as well. I decided that combining the three is a sure way to kick the bucket

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    How much caffeine did you take? I heard the powdered stuff is dangerous if you don’t know what you’re doing
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    @TeachMeCode very little because I chickened out
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    @TeachMeCode pure caffeine, I bought once 50 grams for 20 euro. Terrible deal. Later, you'll find out that nicotine is the worst part of coffee.
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    so apparently you need vitamin k to process sugar

    so I had spinach the other day (has vit k) and was gonna experiment eating this 25 grams of sugar yogurt. I had no dementia after I ate it, and my toes stopped being red and became less purple after my shower than typical. I felt more "fluid" out of nowhere which means inflammation went down. here I'm thinking maybe I've been vitamin k deficient all this time maybe?

    I have no idea what happened. following day I ate a CBD gummy and it fucked my brain up with sugar. ate another yogurt and that was fine. then ate some sugar cane candies and that fucked my brain up. so I guess I can eat yogurt and that's it?

    I also ate spinach and didn't feel more fluid this time. to be fair I was fucked up by a lot of sugar

    grrrr I wanna be able to eat sugar and flour again. wheat germ has a protein in it that reduces insulin resistance so I was putting that in cake but it didn't stop the AGEs problem, and that's what made my toes red/purple 😭
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    ... kicker is I eat beef liver every week and that has 125% vitamin k

    and chicken thighs have 8%

    so I shouldn't be all that deficient in vitamin k to begin with

    clot shot would make lots of clots though and that theoretically could deplete one of vitamin k so maybe that's what happened. my teeth are turning translucent and worrying me. some have shattered and the dentist is a useless hack as always that just made fun of me for being in a panic over it, thanks retards. but vitamin k is the only thing on the list of what makes dentine that I don't eat in high amounts. also I probably have tons of blood vessels damage from the clot shots. so maybe I just have a very high need for vitamin k to heal my body from all this nonsense?

    no clue. I miss being able to process glucose. if that's even the damned problem. I get dementia when I drank coffee or stimulating teas also, or eat even 100% dark chocolate. maybe cuz it increases metabolism and then body tries to do glucose? 🤷😭
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    @retoor what?? nicotine in coffee? Thats really unusual!
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