
People of
"<in the first 5 minutes>
Sorry if I pronounced your name wrong
<continues on hours long obvious power trip>"

What is your home address?

  • 3
    Did you check your neighbourhood? They are the ones who often dislike us the most
  • 2
    Thanks, @asgs.
    But no, they're all over the states.
    I hope that my neighbours do like me. At least they leave that impression
  • 2
    Still Elon enthusiast? :)
  • 2
    We just end up giving the random nicknames at that point - works pretty well, especially if you can get colleagues to join in
  • 3
    Not so much anymore.
    Guessing anyone on drugs can come up with "revolutionary" - read as drug infused & rampant - ideas.
  • 3
    Just keep acting like everything they say is some sort of hilarious joke.

    Really hammer it home. "thats so funny!"

    Eventually it will begin to grate on them, and they'll get the message.

    Seen it used, used it, works like a charm, totally deflates people after a while.
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