
Since maintaining your AI balance is kinda like having a bitcoin wallet what you check frequently, I made a nice dashboard that gives costs per day on average / per hour / per minute.

I spend around 5 cents a hour on average with all my AI stuff combined.

The application doesn't work with a cookie but generates a unique link for you first time you visit the page what you can bookmark and share among devices. No login required.

It requires an OpenAI admin key to work, but it has forget option.

Plan is to make a PWA out of it. PWA's are amazing. Especially how they look on my chromebook.

  • 2
    Averages. There must be a nicer word for that. Mean or something? Hmm..
  • 1
    @retoor You can use the "~" or you could drop the word average altogether since it's a retrospective look anyway
  • 2
    I do not check my Bitcoin wallet frequently. that's not a bitcoiner if they do that

    what would be cool is a plant-raising or pet or child-raising analogy. I wanna see its neurons in a graph as it grows over time 🥺

    then there can be some stats at the bottom of the screen I guess, like how much power/cost and etc
  • 0
    I am Ira and downvoted this post because I consider it spam. Your message will be removed from this community site due too much downvotes. See my profile for more information. Read my source code mentioned on my profile to see what you did wrong. Should be no problem for a developer.

    Have a nice day!

    If your post is not spam, please mention @retoor.
  • 2
    @BordedDev / @D-04got10-01 ofcourse Ira is the bot doing this to me. I told you, she's a bitch.
  • 1
    @retoor yeah, the queen of the cunts even!
  • 1
    @BordedDev she has a big cunt. Licked it once.
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    @retoor Hope it didn't taste like fish ;P
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    @BordedDev kibbeling would've been nice tho. No, she was very well maintained. Ira is beautiful.
  • 1
    @retoor If we're even in SA together, I'll have to take you to a fish and chip shop, I hope the one in town is still there otherwise maybe to one I used to go more often in Hout Bay (the one in Woodstock was good to 🤔)

    Sounds like you had a good time ;P
  • 1
    @BordedDev towns dissappear?
  • 1
    @retoor They can, but I'm referring to the fish and chip shop in CPT
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