How come the majority of technical/programming videos on youtube is made by asian indians? I don't have anything against them. Some of them are possible to understand.

And i know there is native english speaking people that do tech/programming videos on youtube but its just so few!

I say "asian indians" so it wont be confused with native americans.

  • 1
    First of all... I find "Asian Indians" somehow more offensive... I don't think that on the context of YouTube tech content noone was thinking about 'chief sitting python bull' -_-

    And... Programming tech videos!? Why... You do blog posts... Or you do a training course (there are a lot of online dev courses by North American contributors)...

    I don't remember ever watching an Indian dev video, however I practically learnt signal processing from a set of videos from an Indian professor and that guy was one of the best teachers I had in uni
  • 1
    I've noticed this specifically on YouTube programming videos.

    I think most people create their own channel to help them when applying for jobs.

    Or they could also be attempting to earn ad revenue.
  • 5
    oh god... can we ever talk about people from other countries without having to worry if we are offending anyone?? They are just people too, you dont have to say that you dont have anything against those people and how is "asian indians" offensive? Stop acting like you are some PC police and grow up.
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    @simulate im not pc and i'm not trying too. I'm just worried that pc people seeing this will be offended
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    yeah, @mmcorreia for example
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    @simulate i could have made this post non pc if i wanted to. I don't really care to be honest
  • 2
    Try to find a single video about Automated Testing In Depth with Selenium not made by an indian person. India is taking over I guess.

    Personally, I really don't like the accent. Just my opinion. And to be fair, I wouldn't want to watch videos with German accent, too, so I'm pretty generous there.:D
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    @daintycode same. I really don't like the asian indian accent
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    Subtitles are your saviour if you really want to watch
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    @mmcorreia do you know the value of $2 here in India? It converts to something like 140 INR. Now how much pocket money do most students get? 1000 INR every month. I'm not saying it's a hard rule because there are people who might get more or less so 1000 INR is more like a typical case scenario. Let's go into a typical breakdown.Majority of it would be spent on food either meals or snacks. After which the remaining goes into some form of savings which might be useful incase of any untoward situation. This could vary from 50-100 INR. Of course most parents aren't too strict about pocket money but we don't ask unless it's an absolute necessity. Now to spend such amounts of money to most people on an online course as you might have hopefully been able to understand is extremely expensive though you may feel the amount is cheap. There are also some students who don't even have the privilege of pocket money. Hence in such situations YouTube is our savior at least for us.
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    Now I'll not say that the content on YouTube is perfect but guess what? It is sufficient for us to build a basic understanding from which we could study further.
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    Indians you mean.
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    @HampusMa Sorry, I misread. I thought you said asians, thinking that most of the technical vids on yt are in fact made by indians. xD
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    @silverstar alright... Thank you for the economic insights on Indian student population...

    However, I fear you read my comment wrongly... I intended to defend india's contributions on YouTube ... The comment on searching more consensual content was for the poster...

    Again, as an electrical engineer, YouTube videos by Indian professors (although how archaic the quality) were a main tool for learning some really fucked up subjects...

    Programming videos, in any language or source are not my cup of tea... For that I prefer reading
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    @simulate not offended (not Indian) and not trying to be politically correct...

    Indians come from India
    Native Americans are called (racially) Indians because Columbus thought he reached India... Asian Indians just doesn't make any sense...

    Its like saying "European Mexicans"... It's just dumb as f#€@
  • 0
    @mmcorreia my bad if I've read the thread wrongly. On a positive note at least now using this information devs could think of some form of alternative plans of paying for their apps :P
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