So I added
alias please=sudo
to my ~/.bashrc
so I can be more polite to my computer

  • 19
    I did alias fucking=sudo, I feel the power now.
  • 3
    I have both please and fucking as aliases.
  • 1

    I'm slowly getting aggressive as Ubuntu still doesn't find the new version 18.04 so I'm probably gonna switch to "fucking" or "bloody". :D
  • 6
    alias bork=echo 😂🐕
  • 1
    Omg this is so cool, gonna try this alias on my servers too 😂
  • 5
    $ pacman -Syu
    error: you cannot perform this operation unless you are root.
    $ please !!
  • 1
    @undefinedUser "You are not in the fuckers file. This incident will be reported."
  • 6
    Pro tip:

    alias please="sudo !!"
  • 0
    @ls-la I didn't know about the !! shortcut to execute the last line. Thanks, TIL.
  • 0
    Please kill 12345
    Hmm.. it does actually sound a bit better this way. But, as many already suggested, why not go full Samuel L. Jackson mode?
    Fucking kill 12345
    You could also alias shit=!!
    So you could go like:
    Fucking shit to do the last command with sudo. :)
  • 1
    @gamingfail123 you can force it to upgrade from the terminal or if you have a Ubuntu 18.04 install USB there is an option to upgrade your existing install on that.
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