If you want to know how bad the job market is in India, a colleague told me that he got offered a job from an employer, where the condition is he has to give 20% of his paycheck back to the employer in their other bank account.

  • 4
    Say yes until you find better if it's that hard to find a job. Maybe it's a fun job.
  • 12
    If I had 3 wishes, I'd delete India 3 times
  • 5
    @TheBeardedOne You said delete india, but not delete the indians.

    One is a quibbling territorial issue.

    The other is genocide.

    I think the indians might be a little upset to find ocean where their nation once was.

    But I also think about half of them would agree with you.
  • 3
    Thats a certain kind of company, where the company hires you then leases you to a different company n gets part of ur salary

    you not being a direct employee of the 2nd company helps them in some liability/background checks etc too

    n it's not exclusive to india either, it's a common scheme, they usually prey on recent graduates
  • 4
    worst country... I'm not saying all indians are bad, I'm just saying that india houses the largest concentration of some of the worst scumbags on earth. At least if the police and government wasn't so corrupt you could report them, but chances are they are on their payroll too...
  • 3
    @Wisecrack that's ok, my stepsister doesn't deserve to be deleted :P She's safe in NL in that case.
  • 2
    @Wisecrack the logistics would be up to the genie
  • 4
    @Hazarth it's not that India has the worst scumbags, it's that American scumbags brand themselves “strong leaders”.
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