
Computer Science Teacher: everyone do a route in PowerPoint
Me: Can I do it in HTML + Leaflet?
CST: Yes, but it would be easier to do in PowerPoint.
-- trim --
* opens up Glitch *
* creates new project *
* imports Leaflet *
* connects OSMs *
* connects Google Maps thru GoogleMutant *
-- trim of interesting story how I copypaste coordinates from Google Maps into polyline with my grandma telling me where anyting is (our village is poorly mapped) --
Me: thank grandma
* project finally done *
-- the following day --
Nobody did the map with a route
Me: yay
* shows map *
* a bully asks what app I used to make it *
* I said that the entire app is a huge app *

  • 3
    I think what he means is a route from point A to point B. Like a line.
  • 0
    I would be interested in looking at the final result
  • 4
    Still don’t get what the teacher wanted you to do
  • 0
    @masterdoctor think it was just some random who is usually an asshole to OP who asked the question
  • 1
    I think it's great that you've got all these tools and you now how to use them...
    But let's imagine your teacher isn't and idiot and asked you to do it in PPT to create limited constraints around your goal. How did you do? 😉
  • 3
    > Entire app is a huge app
    App app app app app

    I'd love to delete that non-word from the degenerate and semi-functional minds of barely-evolved monkeys everywhere. At least call it an application. Jeez.

    Mobile application - app
    Website - app
    Program - app
    Script - app
    Batch file - app
    AAA Game - app
    Installer - app
    Notepad - app
    Webpage - app
    Binary - compiled app
    Bootloader - app
    OS - app
    Keyboard - hardware app (!?)

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