You don't hate the media enough

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    FOR SURE. They're not just the messenger. They're the causer. They're the one making you hate yourself for racism and becoming the racist at the same time and that for many subjects! Fuck them. I want them hanged for the covid period! Hanged! It was not normal.
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    How much would be enough? :)
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    @retoor Exactly. They're not dumb, they lie on purpose. They know exactly what they're doing
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    @Lensflare I'll tell you when we get there ;)
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    @12bitfloat it's just money. And they find out that triggering is money. Reading the news is pure stockholm syndrome. And you know what? By now, it's not just money, it's survival! They can't live anymore almost! Bye bye traditional media, you won't be missed. Maybe not soon, but it's comming!
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    @12bitfloat when my grandma's boyfriend died (we found him naked attached to a chair), these idiots started making shit up like that he was supposed to meet some arab tapestry seller at the station and that he was organizing gang bang at his house.
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    @retoor I think you're right. But it's not *just* money. They also do the bidding of the globalist puppetmasters
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    I once beat the shit out of a HDD with an axe, does that count?
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    @12bitfloat that's their income, hence, evil. Only reason they're still surviving. One thing is for sure, they're against us. That's not conspiracy. It's their business model. But you know, good always wins, they became evil, it'll end. It's becoming so and so more common for people saying "I don't read the news" and it always make me happy.

    I recently saw a compilation of videos of mainstream media that they asked to 20 year old Dutch boys if they were ready to give their life's regarding war and they said brainwashed stuff "if it's time, it's time" and stuff. This is not North Korea. This is the fucking Netherlands. It says so much.
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    @donkulator That would be "You don't hate media enough"

    Which is fair, external hard drives are literally made by the devil. These fuckers get corrupt the moment you let your eyes off them
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    @retoor I'm so happy they are losing their power. I think Trump and Corona where 2 big events where people realized how full of shit they are

    Last US election, independent media was more important than MSM. Hope this trend continues
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    @antigermgerm Actually real

    I don't speak baguette though
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    @12bitfloat yeah, but even now, look at that how they keep only spraying negative about Trump. The chosen one huh. They don't care about democracy at all. So he takes down the bad stuff from USAID and the media says "Oh no, they're doing such good stuff". Those "good stuff" departments can just continue. They're so evil. Trump already kicked already AP away (for not accepting the Gulf of America (BWHAHAHAHA :P)) and yes - he should do this to more media who are that unethical. I don't want to say that he should ban critical media but just the ones like example above, the panic fuckers. The obviously fear monger fuckers. Trump is nicer to the media than i would've been in his position. It has nothing to do with democracy.
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    We don't mediate the hate enough
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    @retoor exactly. Just send them to the gulag.
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    @retoor imagine if we had a one party state for the people. No more medias unless it's governement aproved. No right wingerz. Free drugs. Peace at last!!
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    @retoor also the north sea is the BELGIAN sea and its where we should exile all the white wingerz and the germanix
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    @retoor nah but seriously:

    trump is an old pedo with brainrot and everybody thinking it's a good idea to give nukes code to an 80 something years old is fucked in the head anyway. That incldues you and mr germgerm
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    @antigermgerm They should ideally be given to you, someone with no violent tendencies or prejudices against groups of people
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    @12bitfloat yea im not fucked in the head I would destroy the nukes
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    @antigermgerm … by dropping them on Germany
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    @Lensflare yeah idiot im gonna nuke the country 50km from where i live. I just love cancer
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    @12bitfloat with the energy of even a couple of nukes we could build and power an utopic rolling city where houses moves on rails. Imagine those bigass trains the nazis wanted to do, and now imagine modules for everyday life.
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    @antigermgerm why you never upvote my wisdom? I thought we were friends :(
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    @retoor my head hurts
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    @retoor he doesn’t upvote mine either. Such a dick!
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    @antigermgerm well how do you plan to genocide the Germans then?
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    @Lensflare manually. Death by a thousand cuts
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    @antigermgerm ok but that will take a while. In the meantime Germans will do all the evil things. And you don’t want that, do you?
    I think you need another plan.
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    wish I could hate them

    they just sound insane or confusing to me

    I'm disturbed people believe them though...
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    @antigermgerm that you are married to a bomb expert is also not the safest thing either.
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    @retoor i mean how hard could it be to manufacture bombs?

    Methlabs explode all the time not even on purpose. Just mix some chemicals, beep boop, boom
  • 2
    @retoor remember that website in the 90ies where you could download bomb recipes
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    @antigermgerm if you want to know how to produce a methlab, ask gemma in snek. She will give you detailed guide.
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    @antigermgerm I'm all for nuclear power! Ironically it's the "green" lefties that don't want the power source that's the least environmentally damaging

    ...because nuclear is racist or something, idk
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    @12bitfloat because it explodes.

    Private companies are making the money but none of them would insure a nuclear blast. So if things explode, it's on us. Fuck nuclear.

    The only weakness of the german green is that they're cowards. Banning nuclear was the right move, but there's no point if you let coal. Just ban that too and put quotas.
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    @retoor i don't like amphetamine that much. I have my coca leaves tea.

    These days I'm more interested in benzofurries (the mdma analogues designed to decrease toxicity, with only the love side that hits ocytocynic system) and MXE analogues (ketamine-like, but optimized for long term antidepressant effect)
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    @retoor also two-bromo-LSD. Look at that bay:

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    @antigermgerm 4th generation nuclear plants don't explode, it's literally impossible

    The only two major incidents that ever happened were 1.) because of outdated design and the insane corruption and evilness of communism and 2.) because of building the plant next to the ocean in a earthquake and tsunami ridden place

    That's not germany. Earthquakes literally don't exist in western europe and, as bad as our corrupt system is, it's nowhere near communism

    In addition to much newer, better and safer designs
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    @12bitfloat i dont care just use the fkn wind.
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    @12bitfloat ItS NoWherE NeaR CommuNisM

    go tell that to the people who ate dioxine and walk it'd do good for your cholesterol
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    or wait maybe you could also talk to the people who ate mad cow lmao
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    @antigermgerm Wind power sucks donkey dick, solar is cool, but not as a main source of power

    But people should have their own solar systems, those are actually awesome
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    Nuclear power is the safest and most environment friendly source of energy until we get fusion.
    The only downside is the problem of waste "disposal", and that can be reduced drastically with new generation reactors.

    Most people are brainwashed by the media into thinking that nuclear reactors explode all the time like nuclear bombs.
  • 1
    @Lensflare Exactly! And even waste... I mean countries are wasting billions on bullshit yearly. Just pick one spot in one EU country with an actually well designed disposal bunker and send everything there... It's like actually not that hard
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    @12bitfloat how often do you suck up donkeys you weirdo
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    @Lensflare fuck that shit. Decrease consumption. The most ENviROnEmnEt FrienDly source is the one we dont need. We dont need a loooot of shit.

    Lock my bols
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    Just a thought:

    There's a lot of hate towards biased media.

    But I don't see many people recommending unbiased media (for example, there are sites that explicitly show 2 sides to a story - like allsides.com and ground.news) or even selecting good journalists, even if you're not a fan of their org.

    To me - not making suggestions is like saying "music these days suck" without commenting on the types of bands you DO like.
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    @antigermgerm Only happened twice so far
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    everyone has bias

    it's just weird when people think unbiased can exist or just totally follow something without thinking for themselves... if it seems unbiased to you, their bias is overtaking you and you're not self-aware enough

    I, as a human, have a bias to keep eating food. any morals you have are a bias. any past traumas give you a bias -- like ohno I had a bad experience with a person of a country so I hate them, or my capitalist boss was just like trump once and he sucked, or my neighbour couldn't keep his grubby hands on his side of the property so i think people who disregard property rights need the gulag

    most people's biases are just "given" to them though. they're just parrots for someone else's trauma. it didn't even come from their own experiences. you were simply told Muslims bad, or selfish people bad, or dictatorships bad. you never lived those experiences so you got no clue. yet some reason people fight for those ideals like they were actually their own. nuts
  • 1
    @12bitfloat sooo

    how was it?
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    @antigermgerm I normally prefer horses but the donkeys were fine too
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    I can't remember the exact details, but I believe the large change happened from "good" news to "click" news was early 2000s because there was some form of regulation that meant that they couldn't be funded for profit that then got removed - fuzzy memory of the topic
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