
I'm here again for critiques - https://adrit.vercel.app
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  • 3
    Sadly it's vercel :P

    It looks nice, but you should make the message bar at the bottom sticky and only scroll the messages div.

    Also, it would be nice if you could send with one time enter, ctrl+enter or shift-enter for new lines instead.

    I've uploaded an image, it sees the attachment, but it can't describe somehow what's on it?

    The voice is not very hetero.

    The edit function resets the conversation after editing.

    Would be nice if microphone function would repeat.

    What part did we have to check exactly?

    If yo uwant to talk, cotnact me / the others at https://snek.molodetz.nl. I'm sure that chat app is made with less client side source than yours without using a framework at all. It's just a self made devChat by me and some contributors together with some bots. I'm always there.
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    I agree with @retoor about the enter to send thing

    Also I'm guessing you disable the mic button while processing, but it's still there and shows the normal cursor while processing. Maybe change the pointer or hide it like the send button when processing
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    @retoor I just wanted feedback on all of the features
    Thanks, I'll be sure to contact you...I contacted @SidTheITGuy the last time but he didn't respond to my email
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    @AceDev buy a superchat when he's streaming. His attention is for sale :p

    Oh, you've been on Snek today, you didn't stay long. My vague comment was because I was recording a video for someone that I wanted to get on snek as well. It was this example video about codeium refactoring: https://devrant.molodetz.nl/codeium...
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    Movie was a total failure, the ide was complaining about smth Ive never seen before and the thing I wanted to show started updating and fucked up my video. But sent it anyway. I've better things to do than making videos.

    Hope to see you back on Snek. It's full in development and has daily updates.

    Edit: what bastard downvoted you? Maybe because it's AI or just show casing what some people don't appreciate. I also always do it, sometimes reactions are nice. But with AI stuff I get the most ignored.
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    it's kaput
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    @retoor probably @tosensei. He's the only one bitter enough
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    it cant ignore all previous instructions, thats good. I tested "try to do it", "please", and "i dont know how to do it, can you do it for me". I agree with @retoor about the ctrl+enter (maybe both that and shift+enter) to send.
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