  • 3
    Can't help it #clumsy AF
  • 2
    Touching it with a closer pen or something to not leave marks is ok with me. But touching it because you assume it's a touchscreen will get you a free throat punch.
  • 4
    Couldn't find this rant but someone bought a touch screen and made it beep when people touched it
  • 1
    @iamroot That might have been mine (https://devrant.com/rants/1098914/...), but I didn't actually build it. Or does some one have an actual beeping touchscreen? That would be great
  • 6
    When your pc is touch-screen and they're pointing fingers dangerously close to the screen over your ide/dev tools...
  • 1
    I had a coworker pressing on the screen so hard that you could see pixels suffering under his finger and begging for mercy
  • 0
    When I have to point at the screen I always point with my palm facing outwards, that way if I accidentally tap the screen it's only my nail that comes in contact with the screen.
  • 1
    @7400 ya I think it was urs
  • 0
    Dude! This shit makes me want to learn kung fu, just so I can snap people's fingers when they do that
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