Well guess what, I was coding with a friend of mine in a café .The waiter took our orders ..glanced at our screens( We were using Linux terminals ..fucking npm I swear) and then a few minutes later the manager comes up and says - ”Sorry ,but I am gonna have to ask you guys to leave " ..We were like wtf man ? Well apparently the staff felt that we were hacking using their WiFi .. God fucking dammit..typing on terminals is not Hacking .

  • 3
    Was it a chain or a mom and pop type of store?
  • 31
    anything without UI will look like hacking to the world.. I saw a movie once where they showed the Hackers screen.. it was Bootstrap.
  • 28
    I was setting up a server at a non dev company. One of the workers there comes by and is blown away by how my typing gibberish into the terminal responds with other gibberish a few moments later.

    Throw up terminal and you automatically become a hacker
  • 8
    Everything about this is funny as hell, except everywhere I got people just ask what I am doing or say wow you must be really good with computers.
  • 1
    Wow... just wow! Seriously?! It seems logical, though.
    If I'd taken work to a cafe, the content would be the same (15 miles of npm install), but I'd be soo baffled, if approached like that!
  • 3
    This happens all the time.

    One of the unfair disadvantages just because there are those who choose to be unenlightened
  • 2
    Should have sat outside the shop fiddling with your laptops and phones while glancing around suspiciously.
  • 1
    Always happens to me at school but with apt-get update. More text = more haxoring.
  • 3
    What a bunch of idiots. I'd say it's time to skull fuck their network.
  • 0
    But if you then get cought sitting there, hacking... then they would be rightfully suspicious, the first time...
  • 0
    Is it 1997 out today? Why didn't anyone tell me?
  • 12
    This is the only reason wireshark has a neat gui, right?
  • 1
    I used to make guis for hacking tools and scripts so if used in public they were onlooker friendly
  • 1
    Sounds like they have been watching Mr Robot. #ronscoffee
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