Yessss. Took me a few tries throughout the day but I successfully installed arch linux on my laptop :D Any good desktop environment recommendations?

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    KDE (some minor glitches, but feature-packed and not fugly out of the box)
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    Care to share your laptop specs?
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    @Devnergy nothing impressive, but good enough xD

    CPU: Intel Pentium Dual CPU T3400 @ 2.16Ghz
    GPU: Intel Graphics 4500M with 128-830Mb
    Memory: 4Gb DDR2 pc6400
    HDD: Hitachi sata3g 320Gb @ 7200rpm
    Includes: wireless, optical drive, rest of the basics.
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    I3 + dvorak programmer + nvim! 😈

    More seriously: xfce is kinda nice and lightweight, gnome and kde are quite cool, but they are heavy

    For the shell: I’d suggest zsh with oh-my-zsh (the aur package seems to be broken, so use the simple manual instructions on the github’s readme)
    Personal recommendation for oh my zsh theme: af-magic
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    @xzvf @7fu12 How is Deepin by now? I've tried it a couple of months ago (V 14 or 15) and it was just horribly sluggish and you only had three workspaces. Besides the side-menu settings are weird as fuck
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    Well since you installed Arch; I3(-gaps)
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    Openbox, no DE or DM. Just use startx every time.
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    UPDATE: decided to start with gnome3 :) might try some others down the road. Thanks for the suggestions!
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    Arch meme
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    @konicm8ker look for Antergos os. It's basically Archlinux but with easier installation process and it's easy to setup graphical environment 😉
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    i3gaps or awesome.
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    Install arch
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    @sak96 congrats, you are trapped a recursion! congrats, you are trapped ...
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    @your-deadline but that's easy. Do it the Arch way >:)
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    i am so close to finally going the archway too ... need more of those rants to make this real :p
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    I3-wm. Once you get the hang of it you will never go back. I promise.
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    @c3ypt1c yeah I know it's fun but I had a problem with setting GUI and it got me mad 😒
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    @your-deadline what problem did you have?
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    @your-deadline so something like this happened?
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    @c3ypt1c nah the problem was GUI itself. When I tried to run gnome service it simply didn't work as it should be. I don't know what was the problem but I fixed it with Antergos 😅😅
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    @your-deadline fair enough. Personally, i use i3 as my window manager. Its a lot more light weight :)
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