This guy is on fire!

  • 47
    And this 😂
  • 2
    Amazing :d
  • 2
    Finally! Some love for Windows Phone. That platform they abandoned when it didn't make money... 🤔🤔
  • 6
    He is not on fire, he is right.
  • 3
    To be fair, Apple kinda does some of these things. I love them thought.
  • 2
    If MS doesn't push the one most annoying thing to GitHub within the next 2 months, I'll have my ass chopped and peppered and feed it to the lions.
  • 2
    @Wozza365 I think it didn't make sense for them to keep it alive with roughly 0.15% of market share and a narrow group of devs making and porting apps. Great platform, though.
  • 4
    @gitreset For Apple those would be completely normal things to do. Still, people bash on Microsoft. They're going more and more towards open source nowadays (not because of charity I guess, but still...)
  • 2
    @sam21s thats gonna be painful then because its not yet acquired, it will be at the end of the year.

    And how would you know if MS pushes something or if its something on the GitHub planning already?
  • 0
    @jespersh haha not betting my ass on clippy
  • 0
    @sam21s did the Lions enjoy it?
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