Discord and captchas can go get fucked in the ass by a rusty, tetanus ridden 2m pole....
I changed my discord-password yesterday and, naturally it prompted me for a login today. So I enter my new password and that motherfucking spawn from satans anus himself with the name of captcha threw itself at me... I seriously had to select fucking street signs for about 5min before Discord let me know that I apparently logged in from a new IP (thanks VPN) and therefore needed to confirm my e-Mail address. Alright, so off to my inbox I go.
SURPRISE, I also changed my password there yesterday (LastPass Security Challenge, I changed like 30 passwords yesterday) and guess what was waiting for me?... If you guessed a captcha, you just got full fucking marks. So I was busy selecting busses and streets for the next 3min again before I could finally log into that piece of trash and autorize my IP-address and log into Discord

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    @electrineer ? What? Did I just accidentally create a cult?
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    Idk if it's just luck but since I use uMatrix I've never needed to a single Google captcha
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    @julkali Google captcha works by identifying of you're logged into Google or not in your current browsing session so if you're not doing stuff in incognito or a different browser or profile you won't get one anyway
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    You should send Discord some feedback about it, I'm pretty sure they'll listen. They're cool guys, you can tell by their update videos/patch notes/loading screen messages/etc.
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    @PaperBag yes but then again they probably only do it if you use a vpn. which is good. because it prevents some randos on the other side of the world to get easily into your account.
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