
Okay, help :(

Trying to get my dns server in php to work from the outside (it's on a vm on one of my dedi's) but it's not working.

- Port forwarding works well: confirmed.
- Connection type: UDP; confirmed.
- I *can* dig from the host (dedicated server) to the vm.
- nmap scans show an open port.

The exact same happens on my local network.

I'm lost.

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    The VM is in an internal/closed Network with the Host not the actual global network? I haven't used vms in years but but there are a few types of Adapters, one registered it with the actual router as a different machine, the other just talks thru the host IP, the third is 1-1 with the Host
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    @billgates it is but the port is forwarded (also ssh forwarded which works well)
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    It might be a permissions issue as most linux boxes can block you using those ports even though they are "open". SeLinux might be the culprit as well. (that is if php is the dns server and not something like Bind)
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    @linuxxx not sure about nmap but if port is forwarded, that would make the port closed? Like registering a http server on 8080, the forwarding would connect the host port to the VM port so it should be in use not open?
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    @Rhodderz Opened in the firewall and running it as root to make sure I can run it on that port.

    Just tried it on a vps (not on a dedi) and still the same issue haha
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    Searched/tried for hours and got it working on another port but that's it. Thanks to a few ranters for trying to help out but hardly further :/
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    Most likely:
    ISP is blocking port 53. This is common.
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    Or just get a cheap VPS.
    $2.5 at Vultr would suite fine :)
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    @Condor And dont forget the accidental downtime when you pull out the wrong powercord :P
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    @Linux I've tried this on two dedicated servers plus one vps 😅 @Condor
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    1. Host only network and yes
    2. No network after that and yes
    3. Yes, it's visible, just can't dig
    4. Opened/whitelisted using csf/ufw/iptables. Did a tcpdump indeed but nothing. Can confirm its listening, even on the outside.
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    PHP right?
    Have you disabled functions in PHP?
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