As nobody's ranted about it yet per search results on dR: XXXTENTACION was shot in a supposed drive-by and is now hospitalized in an unknown/unconfirmed state. A witness also reported him not having a pulse



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    I can’t actually say I’ve herd of him or his songs before, but RIP
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    Ah its an american rapper... Its America so gun violence doesnt really surprise me.

    And when Im using statistics. Rappers are mostly coming from poor neighbourhoods and gun violence is more common in poor areas than in rich areas.

    So im not surprised and if he is killed in a driveby Im getting the idea its not a death we should be sad about...

    And yes I am probably making a lot of incorrect conclusions about this person who I dont know with the statistics I know, but really another shooting in the US? Just tell me when a president or former president has been shot because that is news...
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    So... He was a developer right?
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    @mmcorreia Nope, some famous rapper who afaik speaks on touchy topics
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    @Proximyst it was irony as this is DEVrant... But okay... No more segmentation faults for him
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