My last special snowflakes teacher story. This happend last Friday.

Background: we had to do a "little" project in less than 2 weeks (i ranted about that) and got our degree on Friday. I did a perfectly fine meal suggester, with in my opinion one of the best codes i've ever written.

After getting my degree (which is totally fine and qualifies me as IT technician/ "staatlich geprüfte Informationstechnische Assistentin") i asked him what my grade for the project was.
Me: what was my grade for the project again?
Him: i left it at 90%
Me: why exactly? You seemed to be really excited and liked it obviously. And there was no critique from you after my presentation.
Him: yadda yadda. I can't give you more. Yadda yadda be happy i didn't lower your grade.
Me: why would you lower my grade? This doesn't make sense at all. I matched all your criteria. You wanted a program everyone loved, everyone wanted to buy. There you go. I made exactly that.
Him: i can't give you a 1 (equals an A)
Me: why not?
Him: you wrote to much. I didn't want so much (he never specified a maximum). And you used to advanced code. And there were so many lists and ref - methods. The class couldn't benefit from it.
Me: Excuse me!? The only "advanced code" i used was a sqlite library. And i explained what i did with that. What do you mean by "so many lists" and ref-menthodes. In which methodes am i using ref?
Him: I don't know, i just skimmed through the code.
Me: so you are telling me, you didn't even read my code fully and think it is too advanced for the class? And because of that you give a 2 (equals a B)?
Him: yes
I just gave him a deathstare and left after that. What the hell. Yes, i used encapsulation - which is something we hadn't done much in class. But the code is still not more advanced because i use more files -.-

  • 15
    And now special-snowflake-teacher ventures on to terrorize the next class he's given.

    Let this be your lesson kids. Don't do school.
  • 7
    I would escalate it if it’s what you say. Get a higher up involved.
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    @GMR516 she tried. Many tried as we later found out actually. It never did anything as far as we know.

    It wouldn't change her grade anyway.
  • 5
    @GMR516 as i said i got my degree. I left the school already so there is no way for me to escalate anything now.
    And as @WhAtEvErYoUmEaN already stated: he doesn't change a bit. I complained so much about him.
    His direct boss was present for the whole conversation. He can't do much because even escalations to our ministry of education won't help. (Yes that happened more than once)
  • 7
    Let it go. Unless it's really important, there's no point arguing against bullshit like that. My cryptography "professor" cut marks because my project was too complex...and she yelled at a friend of mine for using "too large" values for RSA encryption. So yeah. It's pretty common.

    You'll advance quickly, he'll stay right where he is.
  • 9
    @Condor it's like your <language> teacher lowers your grade because you used more advanced grammar than the class is used to.

    So you learned/advanced for yourself at home? Too bad...
  • 5
    @Condor honestly, I've found that most teachers at a place are either crap or just so-so. It's that one guy who's reeeallly into stuff and can communicate it that makes a difference. Eg. I had a maths prof who was like that.
    And no online class/self-learning can come close to the kind of mentoring you can get from a person like that.

    Totally worth going for formal education for just those few teachers.
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    @RememberMe i do that. I know my code is way better than anything he could ever write. (It's surely far from perfect) and starting a new apprenticeship in August i've got way better teachers
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    @Condor for me it is totally worth it. (And i need to take these classes nonetheless for my apprenticeship)
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    @Condor I would say that as long as you're going to a halfway decent place, it's worth it.

    Also, the profs are just one part. Meeting and making friends with other students is the real thing. In most cases you learn a lot more from your peers than from your profs. Also, it's good for networking, which may be annoying but it's supremely useful.

    Also, if you ever feel like heading into research/academics then you'll definitely need to try it out first, and an academic institution is the best place for that.
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    I was at a German college for a technicians apprenticeship aswell (Gestaltungstechnischer Assitent für Medien und Kommunikation) and we had a teacher that had to teach us how to "code HTML". He got quite ticked off, when we corrected him that HTML is not a programming language and that jQuery isn't really a requirement and stuff can be done without jQuery. Especially very simple "click a, hide xyz, show abc" stuff.

    He really never wanted to learn anything anymore. We kinda came to the conclusion that he is a teacher, because he doesn't have enough passion or knowledge to be a full-time developer "in the field" and left it at that.

    TL;DR: Don't get to worked up about it, you'll never see that dude again.
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    @KittyMeowstica Sind deutsche IT Einrichtungen im Lehrbereich nicht einfach toll? War 5 Jahre in einer HTL, hab ähnliche Erfahrungen zuhauf.

    I could actually start posting some of my stories.
  • 3
    @beggarboy i would be interested to read them.

    Mein vater ist IT-Lehrer (allerdings einer von der guten sorte, er hatte auch einen guten Anteil daran, dass ich zur Informatik gefunden hab), einige andere auf meinem weg waren ebenfalls sehr fähig und bis auf einen bei dem ich mir nicht sicher bin kame die alle aus der Industrie.
    Lehrbuch-lehrer sind meistens ne Katastrophe, Leute die wissen was sie tun sind zwar rar aber wenn man einen erwischt echt gold wert.
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    Sounds like a classic case of assholeteacherism. Quite common in schools and Universities.
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    Too advanced?


    Yeah, fuck right off.
    Penalizing talent and skill will be the death of humanity.
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