Good news: Learning to use Vim was tough as fuck but worth it. I've been on it for a week and not having to use a mouse for text editing anymore just naturally makes more sense.

Bad news: Nothing. Else. Has. Vim. I am going to be spending hours figruing out how to get this to work in MS Office online and Firefox to keep my workflow the same.

P.S. devRant should have a Vim option. Make it a perk for supporters. :)

  • 16
    I installed EMACS on my raspberry pi last night (because why the fuck not lol) and this learning curve seems to be pretty accurate at the moment.
  • 21
    Once you join the Vim club, you can't leave.
    Vim is life.
  • 36
    @stacked You can't leave because you don't know how to.

    Sorry those jokes are as bad as the damn semicolon jokes. 😬🙃😂😂
  • 4
    @stacked (jokes apart) why so? ;

    I never tried vim as i was scared that i couldn't come out (joke intended) ;
  • 7
    @LightUpRise well, if you want a serious answer, I guess it's a matter of taste. There are so many features I like of Vim, I can't list them all.

    I'll just give you an example of something I needed to do recently. I had a long list of lines:


    I wanted to prepend numbers:

    1. Foo
    2. Bar
    3. Baz

    With Vim it was a trivial task thanks to recording mode: I added the number 1 to the first line, I "recorded" the steps necessary to increase the number on the next line, and then I just told Vim to repeat the steps a thousand times.

    And to be honest I wasn't actually editing the contents of a file... I was actually mass-renaming files in a directory.

    Vim is well suited for a very large number of tasks. It takes a while to understand it, but in the end the commands you use the most are always the same and those alone let you do a lot of things.
  • 1
    @stacked so In short? Hail automation =D
  • 3
    I'm sorry for your loss of time, you'd better used it for learning Emacs.

    But, as it's already too late, a little hint for a vim user:

    Firefox uses / for search as additional shortcut.
  • 4
    What is there to learn apart from
  • 4
    @LightUpRise in short you have an editor that is as powerful as a scripting language, with the difference that you don't have to write the whole script in advance and then run it, but rather you can see the result of each command immediately
  • 1
    I would love to have vim on Gmail. I found a plug-in for browsers that let you edit any text box using vim keys, but it doesn't work very well.

    When you are using vim plug-in at visual studio code and you try to use the real vim, come back to the visual studio code seems to be strange and slow. But I still use the plug-in anyway. Better to have the amazing shortcuts.
  • 2
    There also is a Firefox extension, that lets you edit textfields in an external editor like vim. Can't remeber the name.
  • 3
  • 1

    Except on sites where they've elected to eat that key for their own purposes. Google and Facebook both just move the cursor to their site search field when you hit /.
  • 1
    @bahua It's really a big issue that browsers hand over almost all control to the website. I can not understand how browser developers could ever allow such absurd behaviour, or even come up with such a pointless idea.
  • 1
    imagine the neckbeard on the guy who made these graphs...
    or the moustache on the chick who made this...
  • 0
    @fuck2code i didn't know you could do that with HTML tags - any idea how?
  • 0
    @zlice but wouldn't that just go from




  • 0
  • 1
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    @peacWhis I use the extension for IntelliJ religiously.
  • 0
    @RantSomeWhere Firefox is my main browser. I'll start here and see how I like it!
  • 2
    Started vim learning a few days ago myself. Feeling the learning curve really hard. Just struggling to copy and paste but I'm really looking forward to the payoff
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