
*at work* (fictional names)

Kevin (linux support engineer): Bob, could you come for a second to take a look at something?
Bob (senior linux engineer): *tiny voice from a corner behind a desk* bob is not available right now. Please try again later.
Kevin: Bob, please, just for a second!
Bob: bob is not available right now, please try again later.
Kevin: Boooooooooooooob, come heeeeereeeee
Bob: as said before, bob is not available right now, try again later.
Kevin: but booooooob, come oooooon.
Bob: it seems that you might have a hearing problem since bob is still not available.
Kevin: but booooohooooob, come heeeeeeeeeeereee
Bob: it seems like the person on the other side of this line might be retarded. Bob is not available right now.
Kevin: But boooohooooohooooooob come oooohooohooon, just for a seeehehecond *starts fake sobbing"
Bob: Bob is getting real tired of your shit. Leave bob alone.


  • 49
    Man you guys are hardcore! 😂😂🤣
  • 59
    Bob is a relatable person
  • 5
    @CoffeeNcode Nope 😅
  • 3
    This made me smile. I like Bob.
  • 2
    @CoffeeNcode seconded!
    I'd love to work in an environment like his.
  • 4
    Bob is my spirit animal
  • 2
    Everyone needs a Bob. Be like Bob.
  • 1
    Omg, cool. We also do related stuff like

    1. If someone asks me a question and If I answer correctly, "That will be 13/- Rs, please give change or just transfer to my account. Thanks".

    2. If someone goes in the toilet, "He is frying some vada's(Indian snack)" or "He is taking his oil out".(It actually sounds hilarious in our native language).

    3. Funny noises one-by-one.

    4. Mimicking someone funny when someone asks a serious question.

    5. Someone always gives background music when something funny going on like a relatable song or some funny noises.

    There are many more things though, hope you also have many more cool and weird things which you or your co-worker do all the time.


  • 3
    Beginners mistake. He should have said `sudo come-here`!
  • 0
    I do this all the time. Someone wants to RIGHT NOW get on a call and do a WebEx, as if they didn't just interrupt the real work I was doing. I cut them off and say they need to arrange a time.
  • 1
    I love reading all the stories you share from work haha
  • 0

    Stella Artois is Belgian, I'm pretty sure. That's some severe garbage.
  • 0

    Kronenbourg, Kanterbrau, Lutzbrau, Shilbrau, Fisher. They're all French, and they're.... okay.
  • 0
    @Brosyl I find that most countries tend to export the worst beer they make. So just as you prefer beer from your own country, I prefer beer from mine. When I've traveled, the local beer has always been far, far better than what I can get from far away. I assume that if I returned to France and tried something I've never heard of, I'd like it very much.

    That was unfortunately not the case for the UK though. I had such high hopes when we went there for our honeymoon, but aside from new breweries, I found the beer there to be universally bland and flavorless. Different story on the continent though.
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