Sooo my gf dumped me last weekend :(
I remember somebody here had an idea for a dating app for devs. Is that actually a thing? Does anybody have a link?

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    @oudalally Thanks. I know it takes time (not the first one for me), so I'll get over it sooner or later, but that dating app really seemed like a great idea. I think that it was a collab some time ago, so I'm just wondering if people actually made it.
  • 10
    Its called devrant I think 🤔👍🌶️
  • 8
    Sorry to hear man, but why immediately wanting to go on a dating site thing ? I hope you're not trying to replace the feeling of having a relationship asap. That usually doesn't end well..
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    @Kiralin true dat!
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    @Kiralin Nah, Im just trying to find out if there are any new possibilities. I'm not gonna try anything new until I get my mind back on track, but it's still good to be prepared once that happens right?
  • 1
    Dating app for developers sure sound good. Let's make it devs!
  • 1
    God damn, so many people on board! Somebody go make this a collab!
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    the problem is the huge amount of bots and fake humans, and where none, is dryer than a desert
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    @karma 5000th upvote :P


    sorry to hear that! I'm affraid that even if a dating service existed for devs it would be fairly imbalanced, and might be plaugued with bots and whatnot.


    Even then it is not a bad idea to try. The questions could be made language speciffic or speciffic to devs (googleable but not too easy) which would make a for a unique capacha.

    Being unique would be half the battle, even if the bots used human capacha farms in India I doubt they would take the time to figure out simple programming questions.
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