when I was a kid, I got banned from stackoverflow because my question was not good enough, and from 2 low quality questions they never allowed me to post there ever again.

They're really unforgiving. Which is why I try to help n00bs on stackoverflow get that initial rep

  • 2
    Yeah I'm a bit disappointed. Sometimes I would like an opinion from knowledgeable people. But opinion questions are not allowed nor is the system made for it (one answer can be accepted).
  • 10
    *your question has been edited*
    Thanks asshole for editing my question, it's now asking a completely different question.
  • 1
    I asked 2 questions... Both got marked duplicate. Now it says they will ban me from asking questions if I ask another bad one.
  • 2
    Never got one good reply on that shitty site.

    I think that guys that know stuff are only there for a morale boost and to bully noobs
  • 1
    @GyroGearloose back to high-school....
  • 1
    better ask on reddit!
  • 1
    @GyroGearloose totally agree with you
  • 1
    @GyroGearloose I once got a very good reply to a very specific question that probably only a relatively small group of of people are knowledgeable in. So, I had a good experience for that one question.
  • 1
    @maxyspark Reddit users can be very nice. Also tasty.
  • 0
    For a while I thought that it was just me who thought stack overflow was kinda dickish but it slowly became apparent that they actually are kinda dickish
  • 0
    @Qwby it Should be closed for being "too localized"
  • 0
    When I was a kid...

    When I was 11 or 12 years old my father paid for an MS-Dos crash course so I could use my brother's 286, that would be passed to me later on
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