
Let's talk about kids!

Do you have any?

Do you want to have any? When? Why not?

I have two kids, one girl (2 yo) and one boy (5 mo).

The loves of my life and my main motivation for everything.

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    I like kids as long as they're little and are my cousins (WWE)
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    No. No, because I saw what happened to people after they got kids and I prefer my current life over being nanny during my free time.
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    @arraysstartat1 Life changes that's a fact. But not all people's life gets ruined or turn into nannies lol.

    At least not my case.
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    @Consolelog Fair enough. Pregnancy and giving birth are brutal process. Women are such amazing creatures, I really admire them for that.

    (You can always adopt if you want to I guess)
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    @S-Homles Fair concern, although some experts say we haven't reached over-population yet, we're going straight to it.

    What about adopting an already-born-baby?
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    Absolutely yes!
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    Not now, I'd like to finish my degree first.
    I'd also like for my partner to go work half time or something when the kid is there. I'm not doing that shit alone. Lol. And I don't want to miss work then for too long either.
    Curious about home child birth too.
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    @S-Homles that's a very silly and naive way of seeing kids in adoption.

    Not all kids are given in adoption because were conceived by mistake. Sometimes parents can't no longer take care of them, sometimes their parents die.

    And I asked because you said you wanted kids but not anymore due to overpopulation.
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    No. But wanna have lots of fur babies and that's all. 😍 πŸΆπŸ•πŸ©πŸˆ
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    @hasu nice!
    Does your partner want kids too?
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    @ceee well pets are kids! You raise them, teach them, clean their mess, feed them, spend money on them and demand your attention... Yeap! They're kids 🀣
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    @antorqs yes they are 😍
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    Almost sure I don't want kids. Also I don't want to go through pregnancy, so if I change my mind it'll have to be adoption or surrogacy.
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    @antorqs rush hour traffic (amongst other things) would beg to differ on the point of over-population.
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    No. And no, not really.

    I like kids, though. Kids are great and cute. I have no problem when they cry or rage. And I really like to hang around with the kids and babies of my friends. But thats enough for me.

    The joy they bring is easily overshadowed by the missery they can and will cause at some point of your and their live.
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    @antorqs at some point... x)
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    @ElaineG interesting. I'm actually curious about how pregnency and giving birth would be like. I'm more scared of the kid throwing tantrums and screaming all the time. I'm not always very patient and being a parent seems hard.

    For now, a cat is enough. I want more cats though... All the casts *_*
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    I don't have any yet but my fiance and I plan on having 2 in the future. But first i need to be more stable emotionally and financially.
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    @hasu Cats rule!
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    @hasu can so much relate to this. I have two furboys but i want more. Maybe i'll adopt another cat. Who knows^~^
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    I am gay and as such unable to spawn new life myself.

    I’m also a hot mess that has no business having children at the moment, so there’s that.

    I’m happy enough being an uncle for now.

    Besides, everybody knows gay babies come out Chinese, and I’m just not sure I’m ready to commit to learning Mandarin yet.
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    No and no.

    I can handle being around my nieces and nephews for a short period of time but I don't think I could be dealing with the noise and mess. I have a difficult enough time trying to figure out what I want to do with my own life in general so...

    It seems they take a lot of time to look after. I know people who are interested in development but don't have much time due to having kids.

    I have cats. They can be quite demanding but at least they have some independence and a meow is much cuter than a "wwaaaaaahhhhhhh".
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    I don’t have any kids, but my significant other has a daughter who I love!
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    I like the idea of having kids, but I'm 23 and gay and struggle to look after myself let alone anyone else!

    Maybe I'll think about it again in 10 years or so πŸ˜‚
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    I want kids...

    All I have is that. The longing.
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    Yes. I have 3. Boy (7mo), two girls (4y, 6y). Love being with them. They are my biggest fans.

    When nobody gets me I can always turn to my kids and show them the app I'm building and they think it's the coolest thing even though they don't understand what I'm even doing.
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    @S-Homles yes and no. I mean, those are some of the cases, but not all. And I'll defend a better education is necessary to avoid that to continue happening, but the truth is it'll still happen.

    I don't like irresponsible people, not at all, and I think they should in some way take responsibility about their actions. But for other cases, like when kids lose their parents in war or natural disasters, having the opportunity to live in a family is priceless, and in exchange, a family that can't have kids get the opportunity to have one. Win win.

    And what's your loved one? A cat? A doggo? A giraffe?
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    @IshYume I have a blast with my kids tbh. They're still pretty small but they make me laugh a lot. And they look at you like you are the most awesome person in the world and that just melts me.
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    No (I’m only 23)

    Yes, I definitely want kids!
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    @hasu @ElaineG yeah I understand. Pregnancy is just brutal and amazing at the same time. The thought that a human being grows from nothing to become a complete person inside a womb in just 40 weeks is just unbelievable.

    Sometimes I feel envy. Knowing I'll never get to feel a baby moving inside of me... I don't know, I find it incredible.
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    @arjaycodes there are over-populated cities, that's a fact. But that's mainly a problem of distribution I guess.
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    @mw108 fair enough. I agree with you except for your last part. But I respect your opinion.
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    @KittyMeowstika that's basically all you need, and I'd say is more important the emotional stability... My little advice (excuse me, I know you didn't ask for it), don't wait for the 'perfect moment' to have kids because it'll never arrive. Never you feel like 'well now is the right moment' but you can certainly make the arrangements to have a 'pretty good moment' πŸ˜‰
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    @Brolls being an uncle is cool because you can give back the baby when you get tired πŸ˜…
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    @SoulSkrix Good point. Traveling with kids is certainly hard if your bank account is not particularly full. I traveled before we had kids, now we're working to be able to travel again in a couple of years.
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    @nightowl yeah yeah I totally get it.

    Being a dev I have at least one different new project I'd like to start working but honestly I don't have time atm. The counterpart is that, in my case at least, I don't mind it, my best and biggest project at the moment are my kids and I really enjoy my time with them.
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    @arjaycodes I salute you my friend, not everyone achieves that. I bet they (your SO and her daughter) appreciate your love a lot.
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    @nate I get it! Let me know in ten years what you thought! πŸ˜‰
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    @kreijstal Having that clear is more than a lot of people have πŸ˜‰
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    @iDroid right!?
    My kids are too small for that but they make me happy in a second.

    When I get home, as soon as I open the door my daughter runs the fastest she can yelling "DADDYYYY" and smiles and gives me a big hug. No matter how shitty my day was, she'll fix it instantly.
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    I don't have any kids - at age 21 I'm still way too young for that. My sister gave birth to her first baby at age 17 and married short after, but I think that's a really bad decision she's made. Unable to finish high school, and definitely not able to go for a university degree (which is kind of pointless these days but still, universities' uselessness doesn't justify making babies while your own life is still unstable).

    I'd like to one day have kids, in order to hopefully put some weight into the intelligent half of the evolutionary scale. That stupid half of the scale is way too heavy already, so I have to do something about it. Needless to say, my kids would be introduced to programming, operating system internals and engineering at an early age. But I'd still have to find a girlfriend intelligent enough and willing to go the same path for that...

    Personally I'd go for 2 kids in order to be able to stabilize the population across generations. Mostly because in developed countries this is a problem.. the population is shrinking. That may be just an effect of the 4-phase societal development though (which Kurzgesagt has covered in a video I think) but still, the population trend along with the amount of breeding between the idiots is worrying to me.
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    @linuxxx I knew I wanted kids since I was like 15. And I wanted to have them at 25, but I was not ready at 25 so I had then at 28.
    I understand people that doesn't want kids and respect that, but if someone asks my opinion, I'd recommend having babies.
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    @antorqs I don't see myself having kids though
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    @Condor You know... I think the same (but in a way much boring manner...)

    I like having kids to have the opportunity to raise them in a way I believe is much better than a lot of horrible persons I've seen being raised or I've seen raising kids.

    In a way is like, "I know I can do so much better than that, and I sure will try my best to."
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    Yea. No time soon though but definitely want to have a family of my own one day. Don't know how though. I'm kinda the movie stereotype can't-get-a-girl-allergic-to-sunlight-basement-dweller dev.

    20 years old, never had a gf, never even been on a causal date. Doesn't really bother me much, at the moment the single life suits me but yea, would like to settle down one day
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    @TheBeardedOne Cool dude. You know, there's no rush. Everyone should do what they want when they feel like it ;)
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    @antorqs I'm in no rush. Though I don't want to leave it too late. My parents were 37 when I was born and I'm the oldest. They'll turn 60 the year my brother finishes high school
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    I have ethical problems with actually helping to make another kid when there are so many unwanted already in the world.

    Luckily my partner feels the same way, which is amazing. I always assumed I would get wrangled into it somehow, but luckily that hasn't been the case. πŸ˜„
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